
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-béd

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

l. -bed, dele II, where for gebed l. gebod, and add: I. a prayer to a human being, request :-- Miltsa mé, abbud, and gefyl nú óþer gebæd mínre béne, Hml. S. 236, 705. II. where the person addressed is divine. (1) prayer, praying :-- Hús mín hús gebeddes (orationis) is. Lk. L. 19, 46. Seó stemn þǽre heortan bið swíðe gedréfed on þǽm gebede (in prayer), Bl. H. 19, 10: 217, 28. On þára apostola gebede when the apostles pray, 141, 3. Þá gebróðor tó gebede hyldon, An. 1029. Hé from gebede swíceð, ne mæg gewunian in gebedstówe, Jul. 373. Hié on gebed feóllon, Gen. 847. (2) a prayer :-- Críst sylf sang Pater noster ǽrest and þæt gebedd his leorningcnihtum tǽhte; and on ðám godcundan gebede sýn .VII. gebedu, Wlfst. 20, 16. Gebedo oramina (famulus Christi supplex oramina fudit), Wrt. Voc. ii. 93, 50: 64, 47. Gebeodo ðina (of gibeodum ðínum, R.) depraecatio tua, Lk. L. 1, 13. Gebeadum obsecrationibus, 2, 37. (2 a) a single petition :--Seofon gebedu (-bédu, MS.) sint on þám Pater noster. On þám twám formum wordum ne synd náne gebedu, ac sind herunga. . . þæt forme gebed (-béd, MS.) is, ' Sý ðín nama gehálgod '. . . þæt óðer gebed (-béd, MS.) is . . . , Hml. Th. i. 262, 21-32. Gebed (-bed, MS. ), 264, 16, 29: 266, 19: 268, 5: 270, 7. Gebedu (-bédu, MS. ), 270, 17, 18, 26. (3) a prayer as an act of worship or ritual, prayer of the church :-- Hé mid micclum wópe þǽre byrgenne gebæd worhte mid sealmsange and mid óþrum gebedum þe tó þǽre wísan belumpon. Hml. S. 23 b, 745-7. Se þridda cnapa wacode swíðor for ege þonne for his gebedum, Vis. Lfc. 47. Hé féng on his gebedo, swá his gewuna wæs, for þǽr. wæs án forehús æt þǽre cyrcan duru, 32.

Palavras relacionadas: ǽfen-, cneów-, in-, úht-, wíg-gebed. ge-bed
