Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-bǽru
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- ge-bǽru
- Add: [The declension and gender of this word are uncertain. In An. 1572: Ph. 125: Wrt. Voc. ii. 91, 59: 40, 28 the forms seem to belong to the declension of feminine nouns which remain unchanged in the singular, and to this declension all the other instances (especially Wrt. Voc. ii. 42, 57) might belong. In Wrt. Voc. ii. 110, 21: Gr. D. 111, 9 the forms are almost certainly plural, and might belong to a neuter singular ge-bǽre, to which also might be referred all but the four singular forms given above; and in favour of the neuter is the Old Saxon gi-bari (an thínumu gibárea).] I. in the following glosses :-- Gebéro gestus, Txts. 65, 957. Gebǽro habitudo, Wrt. Voc. ii. 42, 57: egestus, 142, 70: exegestus, 29, 54. Gebéro, 107, 47. Gebéru habitudines, 110, 21. Gebǽrum gestis (gestus, Wülck. Gl. 412, 8), 40, 27: gestibus, 43. II. behaviour, demeanour, conduct, bearing, manners :-- Andrea orgete wearð folces gebǽro, An. 1572. Gebǽro gestu (strophoso fallere gestu, Ald. 157, 18), Wrt. Voc. ii. 91, 59: 40, 28. Hé gefeóll under hine sylfne for his módes wídgálnesse and for his unclǽnnysse gebǽrum (for his unclǽnnysse, ) vagatione mentis et immunditia sub semetipsum cecidit, Gr. D. 108, 2. Geseah ic týn geonge men ... genóh þæslice on líchaman and on gebǽrum, and ful lícwurðe mé þúhte, tó mínes líchaman luste ... Hí míne unsceamlican gebǽra geseónde mé on heora scip námon tó him, Hml. S. 23 b, 369-378. Þá deófla of þám geswenctum mannum mid wundorlicum gebǽrum (with wonderful behaviour, behaving in a most extraordinary manner) wurdon him fram, 31, 1212. Mid cnihtum þe unrǽdlíce férdon on ídelum lustum and wáclicum gebǽrum, Ælfc. T. Grn. 17, 16. Ongeán Godes ege deófol syleð dyrstignesse mid dwǽslicum gebǽrum réceleásum mannum, Wlfst. 59, 20. Wé wéndon þæt þú wǽre godfyrht and hæfdest gástlice gebǽru, 240, 27. Placidus þágyt heóld his cnihtþeáwas and gebǽru (-o, v.l.) Placidus puerilis adhuc indolis gerebat annos, Gr. D. 111, 9. Se engel him geheht ꝥ hé wolde geseón heora gebǽro (see how they behaved), Bl. H. 203, 1. III. movement, gesture, action :-- Gif þú þone mon lácnian wille, þænc his gebǽra, and wite hwilces hádes hé sié; gif hit biþ wǽpnedman and lócað úp ... gif hit biþ wíf and lócað niþer ..., Lch. ii. 348, 13-18. Mid eargum gebǽrum bifiend formidilosis gestibus tremebunda, An. Ox. 4895; Wrt. Voc. ii. 40, 43. Se bera náwiht eówode his réðnesse on his gebǽrum (motibus), Gr. D. 206, 8. Gebǽ[ru], dǽde gestus, i. actus, An. Ox. 2183. IV. voice, cry (?cf. Þu (the owl) miht mid þine songe afere Alle þat ihereþ þine ibere, O. and N. 222) :-- Bið swá fæger fugles gebǽru ... wrixleð wóðcræfte wundorlícor, beorhtan reorde, þonne ǽfre byre monnes hýrde under heofonum, Ph. 125. ge-bæru