
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-byrd

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

Add: n. (see Bl. H. 167, 8: Hml. S. 4, 256 below). I. birth. (1) bearing of a child by the mother :-- Þú wuldorfæste hlǽfdige þe God æfter flǽsces gebyrde ácendest, Hml. S. 23 b, 433. Oft þæt gegongeð þætte wer and wíf in woruld cennað bearn mid gebyrdum, Vy. 3. (2) of a child, the being born :-- Ǽr þon þe hé þǽre gesýnelican gegaderunge menniscre gebyrde onfénge, Bl. H. 165, 36. Hé on þǽrehis gebyrde oferswíþde ealle ǽ þisse menniscan gebyrde, 167, 3. Hé latode on þissum líchomlicum gebyrde, 8. Manige on his gebyrd gefeóþ, 165, 10. On þá his gebyrd, 167, 16. Þa Críst com on ðás woruld þurh ménnisce gebyrde, Wlfst. 82, 15. (2 a) where the birth is celebrated yearly :-- Be þisse hálgan tíde weorþunga ..., þonne is ꝥ seó foremǽre gebyrd Sancte Ióhannes ... nǽniges Godes háligra gebyrd ... ciricean ne mǽrsiaþ nemþe Crístes sylfes and þyses Ióhannes, Bl. H. 161, 4-11. Hér segð ymb Drihtnes gebyrd ... þý forma dæg Dryhtnes gebyrde. Lch. iii. 164, 13-28. On þone ilcan dæig Godes circean árworðiad Sca UNCERTAIN Anastasiam gebird, Shrn. 30, 20. II. the origin of a thing :-- Gebyrdum cunabulis, An. Ox. 3137. III. what is born, offspring, a child :-- ꝥ nǽfre betuh wífa gebyrdum (inter natos mulierim) nǽnig mǽrra geboren nǽre. Bl. H. 161, 23: 167, 18. IV. parentage, lineage :-- Hé wæs of Dauides mǽgðe and wolde andettan mid Marian hire gebyrde, Hml. Th. i. 30, 9. Tó ǽwisclicum bismer gebyrda ad infame dedecus natalium (i. propinquorum), Hpt. 507, 10. Gebyrda l freónda natalicium, 37. Gemunan hwylcra gebyrda þú wǽre, Bt. 5, 1; F. 10, 3: R. Ben. 12, 20. Hé befrán hí be hyre gebyrdum, Hml. S. 8, 40. Bisceopas ne beóð nú be gebyrdum gecorene, 10, 228. Hé hine tó óþrum men híwað, and his gebyrda mid þám bedíglað, Hml. S. 23, 692. IV a. where the character (high or low) of birth is marked :-- Wæs se cyning æþelre gebyrde erat rex natu nobilis, Bd. 2, 15; Sch. 175, 10. Wer tor worolde æþelre gebyrde (æþelra gebyrda, ) vir ad saeculum nobilis, 5, 10; Sch. 604, 11. Þá cnihtas lyfedan búton éhtnysse for hyra mycclum gebyrde, Hml. S. 4, 256. Wæs hé for worlde swíþe æþelra gebyrda and gódra, Bl. H. 211, 19. Þeán hwá wexe mid micelre æþelcundnesse his gebyrda, Bt. 19; F. 68, 31: Gr. D. 151 23. Of æþelum gebyrdum ácenned generosis natalibus ortus, An. Ox. 4151: Wrt. Voc. ii. 59, 73: Ap. Th. 20, 2. Hí ne beóð swá æðele on gebyrdum swá hí woldon. Sume beóþ swíðe æþele on heora gebyrdum, Bt. 11, 1; F. 30, 31-33. Hí taliað þe wyrsan for heánon gebyrdan þá þe heora yldran on worolde ne wurdan welige, Ll. Th. i. 334, 2. IV b. good birth :-- Ic wát þíne æðelborennysse, and ic þé for ðí tihte ꝥ ðú þám godum geoffrige æfter þínre gebyrde, Hml. S. 4, 131. Bebyriað hire (Jezebel) líc for hire gebyrdum (sepelite eam; quia filia regis est, 2 Kings 9, 34), 18, 351. Hwí ofermódige gé ofer óþre men for eówrum gebyrdum?, Bt. 30, 2; F. 110, 15. Gebyrdan, Ll. Th. i. 332, 34. Heó óþerne tealde tóforan his gebyrdum she accounted another of better family than his, Hml. S. 7. 75. V. rank, position due to birth :-- Se wurðfulla cniht þá brýdlác geforþode, and gefette ꝥ mǽden mid woruldlicum wurðmynte swá swá heora gebyrde wǽron (in a manner befitting their rank), Hml. S. 34, 22. Cwæð hé tó þám cynegum: 'Beorgað eówrum gebyrdum, and búgað tó úrum godum,' 24, 33. Eóde swá ábútan be heora gebirdum and be heora geþingþum, Jud. p. 161, 25. VI. nature, natural character, v. ge-byrde :-- Eall þeós ménnisce gebyrd Sancte Ióhanne bedyrned is human frailties were unknown to St. John, Bl. H. 167, 27. Þonne seó wamb bið hátre gebyrdo and gecyndo, Lch. ii. 220, 16. Tó hwon þú sceole for ówiht þysne man habban, ungelǽredne fiscere þone leásostan, and náwþer ne on worde ne on gebyrdum mid nǽnigre mihte gewelgode (endowed with no natural abilities), Bl. H. 179, 15. VII. what happens, fate, lot (cf. (?) Icel. bera (impers.) to befall, happen; at-burðr a chance, hap) :-- Conditio, i. status, procreatio, natura, sors, gescæp, gewyrd, gescæft, gebyrd, Wrt. Voc. ii. 135, 63. VIII. continuity (?), uninterrupted order. v. ge-byrdelíce, -byrdlic :-- Náh seó módor geweald, þonne heó magan cenneð, bearnes blǽdes, ac sceal on gebyrd faran án æfter ánum the children must in order die one after the other, Sal. 384. Heó wearð beloren bearnum and bróðrum; hié on gebyrd hruron (they fell one after the other) gáre wunde, B. 1074. [Thsse two passages might belong to VII.] v. flǽsc-gebyrd. ge-byrd

Palavras relacionadas: l.
