
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-ceósan

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

Add: I. to choose, select :-- Ðá ðe woruldmonnum ðynceað dysige, ðá geciésð (-císt, ) Dryhten, Past. 203, 23. Ofer ealle óþre ic þá stówe geceás, Bl. H. 201, 7. Geceás hé him þone deáþ, ꝥ him mon ofléte blódes on þám earme, Bt. 29, 2; F. 104, 22. Geceós dé nú fultum. Hml. S. 25, 399. Healde gehwá mid riht his ǽwe ... búton ꝥ gewurðe ꝥ hí búta geceósan ... hí getwǽman, Ll. Th. ii. 300, 27. I a. to choose for tht service of a person (dat.) :-- Þá twelf apostolas þám écean Gode gecorene wǽron (Deo electi fuerant),Ll. Lbmn. 413, 13. Þá þe Gode gecorene wǽron sóna swá hý geborene wǽron, Wlfst. 196, 10. ¶ geceósan tó (1) to choose king, bishop, &c., elect :-- Ic þé gefyrþrede mid mínum lárum tó þon ꝥ þé mon tó dómere geceás, Bt. 8; F. 24, 30: Chr. 1041; P. 163, 10. Hine gecés tó fæder and tó hláforde Scotta cyning, 924; P. 104, 18: 921; P. 103, 19. Se abb UNCERTAIN forðgefaren wæs; þá geceás hé Æðelsige munuc þǽrtó, 1061; P. 190, 4. Se flota eall gecuron Cnut tó cyninge, 1014; P. 144, 28. Tó bisceope gecoren in praesulatum electus, Bd. 2, 18; Sch. 182, 3: Chr. 830; P. 62, 6. Heó wæs gecoren tó méder hire Scyppende, Bl. H. 13, 14. Gewitnes sý geset tó ǽlcere byrig. Tó ǽlcere byrig .xxxiii. sýn gecorene tó gewitnesse, Ll. Th. i. 274, 9. (2) to elect to an office :-- Þá sylfan him práfostscíre betǽhtan þe þæne abbod tó abbodháde gecuran (-cor-, v.l.) (ab eis qui abbatem ordinant), R. Ben. 124, 17. II. to accept. (1) to accept after deliberation or examination, approve a law, regulation, &c., decide, (a) of those who make a law :-- Þis syndon þá dómas ðe Ælfréd cyncg geceás (cf. þá ðe mé ryhteste ðúhton, ic þá héron gegaderode, and þá óðre forlét, 46, 22), Ll. Lbmn. 17, 2. Ðis syndon þá dómas þe Ælfréd cyncg and Gúðrum cyncg gecuran, Ll. Th. i. 166, 5. Gecuran and gecwǽdon, 7; 314, 3. Ðis is seó gerǽdnes þe Engla cyng and ... witan gecuran and gerǽddan, 304, 4. Swá góde laga swá hý betste geceósen, 276, 18. Gebéte þæt swá scíre witan geceósan, Wlfst. 172, 4. Ic hæbbe gecoren and míne witan hwset seó steór beón mæge, Ll. Th. i. 276, 30. Sce UNCERTAIN Eádweardes mæssedæg witan habbað gecoren ꝥ man freólsian sceal on .xv. kal. Aprilis, 308, 20. Se cyng and his witan habbað gecoren and gecweden ꝥ ..., 342, 6. (b) of those subject to a law :-- Eádgáres lage þe ealle men habbað gecoren and tó gesworen, Cht. E. 231, 4. Wille ic ꝥ symble mid eów gehealden sý þe gé tó friðes bóte gecoren hæfdon, Ll. Th. i. 278, 2. (2) to accept a condition :-- Hé eall ꝥ lǽste ꝥ uncerformǽl wæs þá ic tó him gebeáh and his wilian geceás (became his vassal), Ll. Th. i. 178, 9. Wið þám þe heó his (the suitor's) willan geceóse if she accept him, 254, 12. Gif heó binnan geáres fæce wer geceóse if she decide to marry within the year, 416, 8. III. to try (?) :-- On .xxii. and .xxiii. nihta seó mǽtincg bið gecornes and geflitnes and eall costunge full; ne bið ꝥ ná gód swefen (the dream is full of trial and strife), Lch. iii. 156, 7. ge-ceosan

Palavras relacionadas: l. elegit
