
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-dón

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Add: I. to put. (1) lit. to place in or on a material object, give position or direction to :-- Hé þone hláf tóbræc on twá, and hine gedyde on his twá sléfan, Bl. H. 181, 16. God feorh in gedyde, Gen. 184. Heó hyre bán on níwe þrúh ásette and on cyricean gedyde (ossa eius in locello nouo posita in ecclesiam transferri), Bd. 4, 19 ; Sch. 445, 4. Hí his líc gedydon on þrúh, Bl. H. 191, 33. Hié ciricean árǽrdon . . . and þǽr gedydon twá weófedu in, 205, 15. Gedó forð beácen þín, El. 784. Hé mec þǽr oninnan . . . gedón wolde, B. 2090. Reádes goldes swá micel ðǽr is tó gedón(g), C. D. vi. 132, 22. (I a) =á-dón (. ?) to put away, remove :-- Gedóð (cf. ádóþ, Ps. Rdr. 23, 7, 9) eówre geátu to put from (fram)">tollite portas vestras, Ps. Th. 23, 9. In to put from (fram)">tollite is translated by un-déd. (2) fig. (a) to put from (fram), put out of one's power :-- Ðá mé fram fleám gedydan periit fuga a me, Ps. Th. 141, 5. (b) to put or bring into a position or relation :-- Sóna þaes folces þone mǽstan dǽl hé ðǽm cyninge on onwald gedyde exercitum statim Cyro tradit, Ors. :, 12; S. 52, 28. Þe lǽs man eft twǽme ꝥ man ǽr tósomne gedydon (joined in matrimony), Ll. Th. i. 256, 11. Philippus hæfde ealle Crécas on his geweald gedón, Ors. 3, 7; S. 118, 27. (c) to bring a person to or out of a condition :-- Hé hié tó eáþmódre hérsum-nesse gedyde, Chr. 828; P. 62, 4. Hí Læcedemonie mǽst ealle áwéstan, and tó þon gedydon ꝥ hí hí selfe léton for heáne Sparlani ultima propemodum desperatione tabuerunt, Ors. 3, l ; S. 98, 22, Drihten mæg úre fýnd gedón tó náhte Deus ad nihilum deducet tribulantes nos, Ps. Th. 59, ii. Tó hwon sceolde þeós smyrenes beón tó lore gedón ?, Bl. H. 69, 7. Tó náuhte gedóne, Bt. 37, 3; F. 190, 19. Uncúð bið þé tó hwan þé þín Drihten gedón wille, Dóm. L. 32, 60: Seef. 43. Hé hæfð gedón út his twégen sunu he has redeemed his two sons from slavery, C.D. vi. 209, 23. ¶ tó deáþe gedón to put to death :-- His slagan þe hine tó deáðe gedydon. Hml. Th. i. 300, 14. Hú hí mihton hine tó deáðe gedón, 26, 22. (c α) to put a thing to a use :-- To hwan hió þá næglas séiost gedón meahte, El. 1159. II. to apply money, expend :-- Gif wé þá dagas fulfremedlíce for Gode lifgeaþ, þonne hæbbe wé úre daga þone teóþan dǽl for Gode gedón . . . Nú is þearf ꝥ wé þone teóþan dǽl for Gode gedón, Bl. H. 35, 24-28. III. to impart to a person. (1) to bestow, confer a material object :-- Him Rómáne gedydan ǽnne gyld-enan scield cui a senatu clypeus aureus decretus est, Ors. 6, 25 ; S. 276, 14. (2) to cause by one's action a person (dat.) to have a faculty :-- Sé gedyde dumbum men sprǽce, Shrn. 82, 34. Sé gedyde blindum men gesihðe, 85, 24. (3) to bring some affecting quality or condition to a person, (a) the object a noun (pronoun), to do a person good, harm, & c. :-- Þ UNCERTAIN þú sý gemyndig hwæt mín fæder þá gedyde, Bl. H. 151, 24. Ðá ilcan þe ðé gedydon þás guornunga, Bt. 7, 2 ; F. 18, 10. Máran hearm and yfel þonne hí ǽfre wéndon ꝥ heom ǽnig burhwaru gedón sceolde, Chr. 994; P. 129, 3. Mé láíes wiht gedón, Gú. 285. Ðæs ðe ðín niéhsta ðé wiðerweardes gedón hæbbe, Past. 349, II. Fremena þára þe ic þé gedón hæbbe, Gen. 2820. Ǽlc þǽra þinga þe him gedón oððe gecweíen wǽre, Chr. 1014; P. 145, 8. (b) the object a clause :-- Wénst þú mæge seó wyrd þé geðón þæt þá þing ðíne ágene sién . . . . Bt. 14, i; F. 40, 31. Nán mon ne mæg þám móde gedón ꝥ hit ne siéꝥ ꝥ hit biþ, 16, 2 ; F. 52, 17. III a. to shew mercy, do honour, justice, & c. :-- Hé him deádum lytle mildheortnesse gedyde, Ors. 3, 9 ; S. 128, 15. God gedyde his miltsunge on Rómánum, 6, 38; S. 296, 28. Se man þám óðrum riht gedó. Ll. Th. i. 30, 20. Heora nǽnig him tó cerran nolde, ne him nǽnig[r]e áre gedón, Bl. H. 213, 35. IV. to do (with object denoting action). (1) the object a noun (pronoun) :-- Huæt gódes ic gedóo quid boni faciam ?, Mt. L. 19, 16. Gif hwá hwæt ungewealdes gedéð, Ll. Th. i. 412, 15 : 16. Drihten onféhþ lustfullíce eallum ðǽm gódum þe ǽnig man gedéþ his þǽm niéhstan, Bl. H. 37, 25. Hé eall gedéð, swá his willa byð, Ps. Th. 113, ll. Eall þæt wé tó góde gedóó . . . eall þæt wé tó yfele gedóð and gefremmað, Wlfst. 233, 7-9. Ðæt hé tó góde gedyde (anteacta bona), hé forliésð, . . . ðæt hé tó yfle gedyde, hé gebétt, Past. 35, 8: Chr. 81; P. 8, 8. Þá hond þe hé hit mid gedyde, Ll. Th. i. 66, 4. Þára árfæstra dǽda þe hé gedyde, Bl. H. 213, 27: Hml. S. 27, 134. Hé gedyde sweotol tácn (docuit) . . . mid þǽm þe hé hét crístenra monna éhtan, Ors. 6, 22 ; S. 274, 3. Þ UNCERTAIN ðú gedó hér swilc tácn . . . ꝥ ðis wæter ðisne man ne onfó, Ll. Lbmn. 415, 29. Gif hit þeów man gedó, Ll. Th. i. 172, 7. Þ UNCERTAIN hé ǽnig þára góda forylde þe hé þonne þý dæge gedón mihte, Bl. H. 213, 24. Gif hié þis gedón magan, 183, 6 : An. 342. Þæt wæs gedón. Wlfst. 210, 5. Mæhto ðá ðe ðerh honda hs biðon gedóen (efficiuntur). Mk. L. R. 6, 2. (l a) the object a clause, to achieve, bring to pass that :-- Þú nǽfre gedést þæt þú mec ácyrre from Crístes lofe. Jul. 138. Drihten gedéð þæt hé firenfulra geþancas tóweorpeð, Ps. Th. 128, 3 : 129, 3. Se yfla willa gedéð þæt hé gedrǽfð . . . (cf. se yfela willa gedréfð . . . , Bt. 31, 2 ; F. 112, 24), Met. 18, i. Gedóð ꝥ gé mé geunnon mínes ágenes, Ll. Lbmn. 148, 8. Drihten wyle gedón þæt hé áhweorfe hasftnéd, Ps. Th. 125, i. (2) to do good, evil, right, wrong, act rightly, & c. :-- Þonne hié láð gedóð. Gen. 624. Mycel yfel beforan þé ic gedyde, Bl. H. 87, 30. Næfð hé riht gedón, Gen. 360. (3) to commit sin, crime, & c. :-- Gif fríman edorbrecðe gedéð, Ll. Th. i. 8, 15. Dǽdbóte dón þæs mycclan yfeles and mánes þe hié wið heora Drihten gedydon, Bl. H. 79, 6. Ðá gedónan synna, Past. 257, 21. Ǽr gedénra, Cri. 1266. ¶ pp. gedón finished, completed, brought to a conclusion, (i) of action :-- Hit wæs elles feáwum mannum cúð ǽr hit gedón wæs, Chr. 1043; P. 164, 3. Ðissum þus gedóne, 1086; P. 218, 35 : 222, 13 : 1090; P. 225> 15. (2) of time :--Þám gedónum qua peracta (intercapedine], An. Ox. 3402. IV a. with noun of action as object, to make attack, move, excuse, & c. :-- Eolxsecg wundað beorna gehwylcne þe him ǽnigne onfeng gedéð, Run. 15. Gif ic on helle gedó hwyrft ǽnigne si descendero in infernum, Ps. Th. 138, 6. Hí nǽnige láde gedón ne magon, Bl. H. 57, 20. V. to make, bring about a state, condition, cause to be as the result of action. (1) with noun object :-- Heó (the Nile) gedéð mid þǽm flóde swíþe þicce eorþwæstmas, Ors. l, I; S. 12,36. Hé gedyde fela martyra plurimos ad coronam martyris sublimavit, 6, 33; S. 288, 19. (2) with clause :-- Ic gedó ꝥ eówru wíf beóð wydewan, Ll. Th. i. 52, 19. Ic gedóm ꝥ git beóþan monna fisceres faciam vos fieri piscatores hominum, Mt. R. 4, 19. Gedyde ic þæt þú hæfdest mǽgwlite mé gelícne, Cri. 1383. Gedóþ ꝥ eów sý mete gearo, Bl. H. 39, 28. Gedón ðætte hiera Drihten lícige ðǽm folce to bring it about that their Lord may be pleasing to the people, Past. 147, 7. Ic wille gedón þ ǽlc man sý folcrihtes wyrðe I will have it that every man be entitled to folkright, Ll. Th. i. 164, 20. Hé gedyde þæt Antonius his freónd wearð, Ors. 5, 13 ; S. 244, 28 : 6, 18; S. 272, I. (3) with noun (pronoun), and complementary (a) adjective :-- Ðá tunglu þú gedést þé gehýrsume, Bt. 4; F. 6, 32. Hé hine fracodne gedéð, Hml. Th. ii. 320, 22: Hml. S. 23 b, 390. Þá smalan wyrmas þone man deádne gedóð, Bt. 16, 2; F. 52, 12. Hé hié gedyde liþran, Ors. 5, 12; S. 244, 15. Ðý lǽs sió ánfealdnes hine tó ungeornfulne gedoo (-dó, v.l.), Past. 239, 2. Gedó, 453, 23 : Ll. Th. i. 48, 25 : 108, 2 : 136, 7. Hine móton his mǽgas unscyldigne gedón (unsyngian, v. l.), 116, 8. Hé bæd þæt hé wǽre Crísten gedón, Chr. 107 ; P. 8, 19. (b) participle :-- Hé ús gedyde dǽlnimende þæs heofonlican ríces, Bl. H. ii. l. Hý gedydon ðæt cild sprecende, Shrn. 142, 22. (c) phrase :-- Erre móde git mé gedydon ye made me of angry heart, Bl. H. 189, 25. (4) with complementary adjective and clause :-- Hié cúð gedydon þæt hié him þæt gold tó gode noldon, Dan. 196. (5) to endow with qualities or properties :-- Gif hwá gewilnigeð tó gewitane hú gedón mann hé wæs if any one wants to know what sort of man he was, Chr. 1086; P. 219, 16. V a. to make, produce, do one thing from another :-- Gedón ductum (Ambrosius . . . nomen Ambrosiae de nectare ductum, Ald. 154, 5), Wrt. Voc. ii. 91, 26. V b. to make, conclude a treaty of peace :-- Hé gedyde þone yfelan friþ on Numantium infamia de foedere apud Numantiam pacto, Ors. 5, 3; S. 220, 19. VI. gedón tó to make, cause to become, cause to take the character of. (1) of persons :-- Þá óðre þeóde hé tó gafolgieldum gedyde caeteras urbes vectigales fecit, Ors. 3, 9 ; S. 124, 7. Hé monege gedyde tó martyrum plurimos ad coronas Christi de suis cruciatibus misit, 6, 22; S. 274, 5. Hié nánne mon geweligian ne magon, búton hié óþerne gedón tó wǽdlan, Bt. 13, ; F. 40, l. Hé nolde hí tó flýmum gedón, Ps. Th. 77, 27. (2) of things :-- Wé hine willað ácwellan and ús tó mete gedón, Bl. H. 231, 15. Þúsend daga bið gedón tó ánum sunnandæge, Wlfst. 210, 5. VII. to make, cause a person to do something, (1) with a clause :-- Ðǽre scame ic gedoo ðæt ðú forgietsð, Past. 207, 11. Þú gedést þæt hí þé geseóþ, Bt. 33, 4; F. 132, 35: Met. 20, 272. Hé gedyde þæt Octauianus sealde his swostor Antoniuse, Ors. 5, 13; S. 244, 28. His þegnas lǽddon him tó þone eosol and gedydon ꝥ hé þǽr on gesittan mihte adduxerunt asinam . . . et eum desuper sedere fecerunt (Mt. 21, 7), Bl. H. 71, 6. Gedó þú ꝥ eall cynn cweþe . . ., 159, 5. (2) with acc. and infin., whose logical subject is the preceding acc. :-- Matheum hé gedyde gangan, Bl. H. 239, 16. (3) with acc. and clause, whose subject is the pronoun representing the preceding acc. :-- Þá sunnan þú gedést ꝥ heó þá þeóstre ádwǽscþ, Bt. 4; F. 6, 33. Wundrum lytel mæg gedón þone man . . . ꝥ hé wénþ . . ., 11, 1 ; F. 32, 21. (4) with infin. alone, its subject being omitted :-- Ic ofsleá and lifgan gedóm ego occidam et vivere faciam, Ps. Srt. ii. 196, ll. VIII. intrans. (1) to act :-- Agathocles gedyde untreówlíce wið hiene, Ors. 4, 5; S. 170, 9. Æfter þǽm þe Lisimachus hæfde swá wið his sunu gedón, 3, n ; S. 152, 12. (2) to do, fare :-- Lá wel gedó þé, góda man, Hml. S. 23; 546. IX. as a substitute for a verb just used :-- Ǽghwilc unriht áweorpe man . . . þæs þe man gedón mæge, Ll. Th. i. 310, 11. v. ǽr-, wel-gedón. ge-don

Palavras relacionadas: 7
