
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-emnettan

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

-emnittan, -emnyttan;

p. te; pp. ed To make even or level, compare; æquāre, exæquāre :-- Deáþ geemnet ða rícan and ða heánan death levels the rich and the poor, Bt. 19; Fox 68, 34. Gif we úre unþeáwas geemnettaþ be his hǽsum if we level our vices by his commands, Homl. Th. ii. 316, 1. Heó hí sylfe to hwelpum geemnette she compared herself to the whelps, 114, 10. Geemnittan exæquāre, Scint. 9. Ðæt heó ðone dæg and ða niht geemnytte that it might make even the day and the night, Bd. de nat. rerum; Lchdm. iii. 238, 24. Geemnettan quadrare, congruere, Hpt. Gl. 506. ge-emnettan