
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-féra

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

Add :-- Geféra collega, Wrt. Voc. ii. 23, 68. (1) a companion, associate :-- Hé dyde suá suá ofermód geféra déð, Past. 305, 6. Wineleás mon genimeð him wulfas tó geféran . . . ful oft hine se geféra slíteþ, Gn. Ex. 148. Hwæt cunnon þás þíne geféran (socii) ?, Coll. M. 19, l: 31. 2-- Hé gegæderaþ frínd and geféran ꝥ hié getreówlíce heora sibbe and heora freóndrǽdenne healdaþ hic fidis sua dictat jura sodalibus, Bt. 21; F. 74, 38. (2) an associate in work, partner, assistant :-- Hæfst þu (the ploughman) ǽnigne geféran (socium) ? Ic hæbbe sumne cnapan, Coll. M. 19, 25. Zebedeis sunn wǽron Simones geféran (gefoero, L., socii), Lk. 5, 10. Hig bícnodon hyra geféran (sociis) þe on óðrum scipe wǽron, 7 : Coll. M. 24, 31. (2 a) an associate in office, a colleague :-- Silla se consul, Pompeiuses geféra, Ors. 5, 10 ; S. 234, 25. (2 b) of things :-- Swá nú fýr déþ and wæter . . . and manega óþra gesceafta . . . þætte nó ꝥ án ꝥ hí magon geféran beón . . . , Bt. 21; F. 74, 17: Met. ll, 50. (3) an associate in the execution of a plan, a confederate :-- Hé nolde meldian on his geféran þe mid him sieredon ymbe þone cyning . . . se cyning hine hét secgan hwæt his geféran wǽron, Bt. 16, 2; F. 52, 20-24. Gif nwá ǽnigum preóste ǽnig wóh beóde, beón ealle geféran ymbe þá bóte, and beón swá swá áwriten is, 'quasi cor unum et anima una,' Ll. Th. ii. 290, 3. (4) one of a society or profession :-- Ðá Apostolas and þá eldran bróðor eów cýðað ꝥ wé geáscodon ꝥ úre geféran sume (quidam ex nobis) tó eów cómon. Ll. Th. i. 56, 14. (4 a) one of the clergy :-- Gif hit ǽnig preóst elles gedó, þolige his wurðscipes and geférena freóndscipes, Ll. Th. ii. 290, 10. Gif gehádod man sí mǽgleás, ládige mid geféran, i. 344, 28. (4 b) a comrade, brother in arms :-- Æðeríc, æðele geféra. By. 280. Se man þe ætfleó fram his hláforde oþþe fram his geféran for his yrhðe, sý hit on scypfyrde, sý hit on landfyrde. Ll. Th. i. 420, 8. Hár hilderinc bæd gangan forð góde geféran, By. 170 : 229. (4 c) a fellow-servant :-- Ðǽm gefero conservo, Mt. p. 18, 8. (5) an associate from local connexion, a fellow-citizen, neighbour :-- Gif þú fioh tó borge selle þínum geféran þe mid þé eardian wille. Ll. Th. i. 52, 21. Sé þe freóndleásan and feorrancumenan wyrsan dóm démeð þonne his geféran, hé dereð him sylfum, 398, I. Þ UNCERTAIN hé sié his geférum his geférena weorþost reverendi civibus suis esse nituntur. Bt. 24, 2 ; F. 82, 6. Gif hwá nylle rídan mid his geférum, Ll. Th. i. 210, l. (6) one that has the same condition or experience as another, a companion in, sharer :-- Geféra particeps, Germ. 400, 573. (6 a) where the common experience is given, (α) by a case :-- Neód is þæt hí beón efenhlyttan þæs edleánes, þonne hí wǽron geféran ðǽre ðrowunge, Hml. Th. i. 84, 20. (β) with preposition :-- Ǽfre seó sǽand se móna beóð geféran on wæstme and on wanunge, Lch. iii. 268, 13. (7) a consort :-- Ic Aelfréd aldormon and Werburg mín geféra, Txts. 175, 4. (8) a follower, adherent, one of a retinue :-- Þá dyde Eustatius on his byrnan and his geféran ealle, Chr. 1048; P. 170, 20. Gefeóran, 173, l. Mid his (Romulus) híwunge and his geférena, Ors. 2, 2 ; S. 64, 24. Colman mid his geférum for tó his cýððe, Chr. 664; P. 34, 4. Se feónd mid his geférum feóllon, Gen. 306. Ic gean healfes þæs stódes mínum geféran þe mid me rídað, Cht. Th. 598, 14. Hé Godrum miclum and his geféran mid feó weorðude, Chr. 878; P. 76, 20. (8 a) fig. :-- Sió gítsung ðe Sanctus Paulus cuæð ðæt wǽre hearga geféra avaritia quae est idolorum servitus, Past. 157, 6. Sió óðru gesǽlð is leás and beswícþ ealle hire geféran, Bt. 20; F. 70, 34.

Palavras relacionadas: camp-, eald-geféra. ge-fera
