
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-fetian

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

Add: I. to go in quest of and bring back. (1) the object a person :-- Se cniht gefette ꝥ mǽden mid woruldlicum wurðmynte, Hml. S. 34, 21. Amilcor wæs of Sicilium him tó fultume gefett accitum ex Sicilia Amilcarem, Ors. 4, 6; S. 174, 20. Gefetodne accitum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 4, 35. Gefetodnae, gefetatnae, gefeotodne accetum., Txts. 42, 105. Gefetadne arceri (jubet Augustus vatem), Wrt. Voc. ii. 92, 34 ; 3, 78. Wurdon gefætte ætforan þám déman þá crístenan, Hml. S. 2, 197. (2) the object a thing :-- Hí ofer six míla him wæter on heora exlum gefetton, Hml. Th. i. 562, 4. II. to go and get what one seeks, get, obtain, (I) with concrete object :-- Críst sitt on heofonum mid þám hálgum þe hé on ðisum lífe gefette, Hml. Th. i. 248, 24: ii. 368, 33. On þisum geáre Ælfere gefette þes cyninges líchaman æt Wærhám, and geferode hine tó Scæftesbyrig, Chr. 980; P. 123, 37. Hí gefetedon his sáule and mid him genámon and hwurfon tó þám heofonlican ríce adstimta secum anima ejus, ad caelestia regna redierunt, Bd. 4, 3; Sch. 364, 19. Þý lǽs hys cnihtas cómon and þone líchaman gefetton ne forte veniant disciptili ejus et furentur eum (Mt. 27, 64), Hml. As. 183, 61. (2) with abstract object, (a) a noun :-- Æt þǽra byrgenan . . . manege gefettan líchamlice hǽle, Wlfst. 4, ll. (b) a clause :-- Blinde gefettan þæt hý lócedan bráde, Wlfst. 5, l.

Palavras relacionadas: ge-feccan. ge-fetian
