Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-glengan
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
-glencan, -glæncan, -glencgan, -glengcan;
- ge-glengan
- p. -glengde, -glencde; pp. -glenged, -glencged, -glengd, -glend To adorn, embellish, set in order, compose; ornāre, cōmĕre, compōnĕre :-- Gé preóstas sculon eówerne hád healdan árwurþlíce, and mid gódum þeáwum symle geglæncan ye priests should religiously observe your order, and always adorn it with good habits, L. Ælf. P. 5; Th. ii. 366, 2. Ic geglenge cōmo, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 4; Som. 31, 13. Ic smicere geglengce orno, Ælfc. Gl. 99; Som. 76, 116; Wrt. Voc. 54, 58. Nerón hine mid ǽlces cynnes gimmum geglengde Nero adorned himself with gems of every kind, Bt. 28; Fox 100, 27 : Bt. Met. Fox 15, 7; Met. 15, 4. Ðæt he æfter medmiclum fæce in sceópgereorde mid ða mǽstan swétnesse and inbrydnesse geglencde, and in Englisc gereorde wel gehwǽr forþbrohte hoc ipse post pŭsillum verbis poēticis maxĭma suāvĭtāte et compunctiōne compĕsĭtis, in sua, id est, Anglōrum lingua proferret, Bd. 4, 24; S. 596, 35. Ðæt hit wǽre geglenged mid gódum stánum and gódum gifum quod bŏnis lăpĭdĭbus et dōnis ornātum esset, Lk. Bos. 21, 5 : Elen. Kmbl. 179; El .90. Geglenged discrīmĭnātus, Ælfc. Gl. 61; Som. 68, 48; Wrt. Voc. 39, 32. Godes gelaðung is geglencged mid deórwurþre frætewunge God's church is adorned with precious ornament, Homl. Th. ii. 586, 17. Heó wæs geglengd þurh Godes wundra it was embellished by the miracles of God, Th. Diplm. A. D. 970; 241, 6. Ða bióþ sweordum and fetelum swíðe geglende who are greatly adorned with swords and belts, Bt. Met. Fox 25, 20; Met. 25, 10. ge-glengan