Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-hæftan
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- ge-hæftan
- Add: To prevent free movement or action. I. to restrict, restrain, confine:--Ðonne monn ðæt mód gehæft cum cogitatio per custodiam restringitur, Past. 273, 17. Hié nellað hié gehæftan and gepyndan hiora mód, swelce mon deópne pool gewerige, ac hé lǽt his mód tóflówan . . . and ne gehæft hit ná mid ðám gesuincium gódra weorca se ad superiora stringendo non dirigit, neglectam se expandit, et studiorum sublimium vigore non constringitur, 283, 13-16. Sume weriað wísdómes streám, welerum gehæftað, ðæt hé út ne tóflóweð, 469, 3. II. to bind, fetter (1) with material bonds:--Se geonga . . . gehæfted (cf. fetorwrásnum fæst, 1109), An. 1129. (2) with non-material bonds:--Sé þe gehæft sié mid ðǽre unnyttan lufe þisse middangeardes capti, quos ligat improbis catenis terrenis habitans libido menteis, Bt. 34, 8; F. 144, 24. Gehefted, Met. 21, 5. Sefa . . . unrótnesse gerǽped, hearde gehæfted, 25, 49. Hé ealle gesceafta hæfð geheaþorade and gehæfte mid his unanbindendlicum racentum stringat ligans irresoluto singula nexu, Bt. 25; F. 88, 5. III. to fasten one thing to another:--Sihhemes mód wæs gehæft tó Dinan conglutinata est anima ejus cum ea, Past. 415, 25. IV. to seize, arrest, capture. (1) the subject a person:--Swá hraðe swá hí becumað tó ðyssere byrig gehæftað hí, Hml. Th. ii. 494, 12. Se déma hét gehæftan Crisantum and Darian, Hml. S. 35, 136. Wæs sum wyln gehæft tó swinglum, 21, 166. (2) the subject a (non-material) thing:--Gehæfton mé unrihtwísnyssa míne comprehenderunt me iniquitates meae, Ps. L. 39, 13. Geheft captus (propriis sermonibus), Kent. Gl. 123. Meteleás . . . hungre gehæfted, El. 613. Hí mǽndon meteleáste, hungre gehæfte, An. 1160. V. to take captive, make prisoner:--Seó ungeðwǽrnes þá mægnu syrwde and gehæfte discordia virtutibus insidiatur et capitur, Prud. 78 a. Wæs seó burhwaru mǽst ofslegen and gehæft, Chr. 980; P. 124, 8. Ic geseó óðre ǽ . . . wiþfeohtende þǽre ǽ mínes módes and gehæftedne (captiuum) mé is lǽdende. Hú gif hé gehæfted (captiuus) wæs, Bd. 1, 27; Sch. 98, 6-11. Gehæftum heora feóndum captis hostibus, 5, 12; Sch. 620, 7. Hí weorþaþ gerǽpte mid þǽre unrótnesse and swá gehæfte moeror captos fatigat, Bt. 37, 1; F. 186, 22. VI. to put into the power of another, bring into bondage, enslave. (1) lit.:--Genam se sciphláford mé neádinga . . . and hé mé gehæfte on his éðle, Hml. S. 30, 358. (2) fig.:--Ðý lǽs hé sié gehæft mid ðám úterran ne exterioribus deditus, Past. 127, 14. Gehæft mancipatus, An. Ox. 1164: 2352: 779. VII. to confine to a place or locality, imprison:--Seó stów þe þú nú on gehæft eart . . ., heó is þám monnum éþel þe þǽr on geborene wǽran, Bt. 11, 1; F. 32, 27. Loce gehæft clustello continetur, An. Ox. 5397. Gehæftad wæs diwl in helle dampnatus est diabolus in infernum, Rtl. 197, 25. ge-hæftan