
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-hīran

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

Take here ge-heoran, -hioran in Dict. , and add; I. intrans. To hear, perceive sound :-- Eáran gē habbad, and ne gehȳrad (-hērad, L.), Mk. 8, 18. Gif se hlyst odstande, ꝥ hē ne mæge gehiēran, Ll. Th. i. 92, 24. Sume magon gesión, sume magon gehīran (-hȳron, ), Bt. 41, 5; F. 252, 23. I a. said of the ear :-- Gif ōder eáre nāwiht gehēred, Ll. Th. i. 14, 5. II. trans. To hear sound or that which causes sound, to have cognizance of by means of the ear. (1) the object a noun (pronoun) :-- ꝥ īne stefne ic gehiére, Bl. H. 241, 6. Hē nān ōder þingc on gewitnysse ne cȳþe būtan ꝥ ān ꝥ hē geseah oþþe gehýrde, Ll. Th. i. 274, 18. Gif hwá hream gehȳre and hine forsitte, 392, 17. Of heofonan gehȳrdne (auditum) þū worhtest dōm, Ps. L. 75, 9- (2) the object a clause :-- Gehȳrstū hwæt Sīmōn cwiþ?, Bl. H. 183, 8. Heó gehȳrde hū se feónd and se freónd geflitu rǣrdon, El. 953. Mihte man gehēran þæt þǣr wæs tōda geheáw, Sat. 338. II a. said of the ear :-- Ðā eáran ongitaþ ꝥ hī gehióraþ, Bt. 41, 4; F. 252, 8. III. with object followed by (1) an infinitive :-- Hē gehȳrde myccle menigo him beforan feran. Bl. H. 15, 16. Hé gehýrde þone blindan cleopian, 19, 18. Gif þē þæt gelimpe þæt þū gehȳre ymb þæt hālige treó frōde frignan, El. 442. (2) a pres. ptcple. :-- Ne gehȳrdest þū Drihten cun-þende, for þon ic eów sende, Bl. H. 237, 28. thorn-bar; ǣr mon mæg sorgende folc gehȳran . . . cearum cwidende, Cri. 891. (3) with past ptcple. :-- Heó gehȳrde þone helle sceadan oferswīdedne (-ende, MS.), El. 957. (4) with a clause :-- Hwæþer ꝥ āuht sié ꝥ wē oft gehióraþ ꝥ men cweþaþ be sumum þingum ꝥ hit scyle weás gebyrian whether there is anything in what we often hear men say of some things, that a thing happens by chance, Bt. 40, 5; F. 240, 14. (Or under IX. 3 b :-- We are often told that things happen by chance.) III a. with ellipsis of object before infin. :-- Gif sum dysig man þās bōc rǣt oþþe rǣdan gehȳrþ, Ælfc. Gen. Thw. l, 15. Wē gehēraþ hwīlum secgan ꝥ . . . , Bt. 41, 2; F. 246, 16. Þū gehȳrdest oft reccan on ealdum spellum, 35, 4 ; F. 162, 5. Wē nū gehȳrdon þis godspel beforanūs rǣdan, Bl. H. 15, 30. Þonne wē gehȳron Godes bēc ūs beforan reccean and rǣdan, and godspell secggean, and his wuldorþrymmas . . . mannum cȳþan, III, 16. IV. to exercise the sense of hearing intentionally, to give ear, hearken, listen. (1) intrans. :-- Gehȳre sē þe wille, Exod. 7. v. ge-hīrend. ¶ with interjectional force :-- Gehēres thū heus!, Wrt. Voc. ii. 110, 26. Gehȳrsþū, 42, 63. Gehȳrstū betsta cāsere, gif þū wilt, þū miht ongyton ꝥ. . . , Bl. H. 183, 10 : 85, 18. (2) trans. To listen (attentively) to (a) a person :-- Gehȳr mē, Bl. H. 175, II. Crīst him tō cwæd: ' Gehȳre mē, ' 231, 27. Hēr is mīn leófa Sunu . . . ; gehȳrad (-hērad, R. , -hēras, L.) hyne, Mt. 17, 5. Gif þú wilt gehýran þone apostol, ne swyltst þū on ēcnesse, Hml. S. 36, 358. (b) speech, sound, (a) the object a noun (pronoun) :-- Ðā gehērde hē swīþe geþyldelíce þæs wísan monnes word sume hwīle, Bt. 18, 4; F. 66, 33. Gehēr ān spell, 37, I ; F. 186, I : Met. 25, 1. Gehȳr, Sch. 37. Heó wolde gehȳran his word and his lāre, Bl. H. 67, 28. Nis hit nō ꝥ ān ꝥ hī nyllaþ þisse race gelēfan, ac hī hit nellaþ furþum gehīran, Bt. 38, 5 ; F. 204, 25. Hig þisne egeslican cwide gehȳran sculon, Ll. Th. ii. 396, 21. (β) the object a clause :-- Geheór (-hēr, v. l.) geþyldelīce hwæt ic nū sprecan wille, Bt. 35, 5; F. 166, 21. Gehēraþ hwæt se lāreów sægde, Bl. H. 39, 10. Gehērad hū se godspellere sægde be þisse tīde, 15, 3. V. to hear a religious service, hear mass :-- Þā þe heora cyrican forlǣtaþ, and forhycggaþ þā Godes dreámas tō gehērenne, Bl. H. 41, 36. VI. to hear judicially, to try :-- Georne gehȳred heofon-cyninga hȳhst hæleda dǣde, Dōm. 107. Þonne wile Dryhten sylf dǣda gehȳran hæleda gehwylces, Seel. 91. VII. to listen to with compliance, hear a suppliant or a supplication. (1) the object a person :-- Hié cleopiad tō mē and ic gehiére hié, Ll. Th. i. 52, 18, 27, Þū gehȳrdest þone hālgan wer, þā þū geȳwdest þām eorle bān Jōsephes, El. 785. Wuna mid ūs. , . ' Hē hié þā nolde gehiéran, ac hié forlēt, Bl. H. 247, 35. (2) the object a thing :-- Hié hrȳmad tō mē and ic gehīre hira hreám, Ex. 22, 23. Heora bēna hē gehȳred, Bl. H. 107, 21. Gehȳr mīne stefne, 89, 13. Crīst cwæþ ꝥ hē nelle gehȳran þæs gīmeleásan mannes gebedrǣdene, 57, 4. Hē clypad tō Gode and his stenme (stemn?) ne bid gehȳred. Āhyld dīn eáre tō dæs wǣdlan bēne, þæt God eft dīne stemne gehȳre, Hml. Th. ii. 102, 19. Heora bēna wǣron æt Gode gehȳrede, Bl. H. 201, 34. VIII. with dat., to listen to one who commands, to obey. (1) a person :-- Uindas and sæs gehēras (-hǣraþ, R.) him venti et mare oboediunt ei, Mt. L. 8, 27. Gif hié mē od dæt on ryht gehiérad. . . on mīnum geongum māgum swelce mē betst gehiérad, C. D. ii. 176, 1-4 : 175, 35. On dā hand de hire ǣfre betst gehȳre on uncer bēga cynne, vi. 138, 27. (2) a command :-- Gehēr þū Meotodes rǣdum . . . Lǣt of þīnum stadole streámas weallan, An. 1500. VIII a. to serve, minister to :-- Gif huā mē gehéres si quis mihi ministrat, Jn. L. 12, 26. Hiá gehērde him ministrabat eis, Mt. L. 8, 15. Wīfo monigo gehērdon him, 27, 55. Ne ǣnig esne mæg tuǣm hlāferdum gehēra (seruire), Lk. L. 16, 13. IX. to learn by hearing, hear of, be informed of, be told, (1) the object a noun :-- Ic nǣfre ne geseah ne gehȳrde nǣnne wīsne mon þe mā wolde bión earm donne welig, Bt. 39, 2 ; F. 212, 16. Ǽlc man . . . þāra þe þā gebodu gehȳrde, L!. Th. i. 232, 12. Diórwyrþra hrægla hī ne girndan . . . ne hió nānwuht ne gehērdon . . . ne gehērde nān mon þā get nānne sciphere, ne furþon ymbe nān gefeoht sprecan, Bt. 15 ; F. 48, 5-15. Hū mihte þæt gewyrdan þæt þū ne gehȳrde Hǣlendes miht?, An. 574. THORN;ǣr bid gehȳred . . . þ īn micele miht. Hy. 7, 32. (2) the object a clause :-- Wē gehȳrad ꝥ Drihten forseah þone welan þisse worlde, Bl. H. 23, 29 : 25, 21. Wē nū gehȳrad hwǣr ūs hearmstafas onwōcan, Gen. 939. Gehȳrde ic þæt Eádweard ánne slóge, By. 117. í"- nū gehȳrdest hū hit beón mæg, Bl. H. 7, 34. Gehȳron wē nū tō hwylcum gemete heó sang, 5, 6. Þū miht gehȳran hū ūs wuldres weard dǣdum lufode, An. 595 : 812 : El. 511 : Kr. 78. On þæs engles wordum wæs gehȳred ꝥ þurh hire beorþor sceolde beón gehǣled eall wīfa cynn, Bl. H. 5, 22. (3) the object a pronoun (a) representing the statement in a preceding clause :-- Se gerēfa weatd wid hine forwrēged swylce hē his gōd forspilde . . . ' Hwī gehȳre ic þis be þē ?, ' Lk. 16, 2. Fērde Malcolm . . . Ðā þā se cyng þis gehȳrde, Chr. 1091 ; P. 226, 28. ' Ic wolde ꝥ þū leornodest hū þū mihtest becuman tō dām sōþum gesǣlþum , . . ' Mē lyste nū ꝥ geheóran' (-hēran, v. l.), Bt. 33, 3; F. 126, 31. (b) with a succeeding clause in apposition :-- Þā hit se Allwalda eall gehȳrde, þæt his engyl ongan ofermēde āhebban, Gen. 292 : 2385. On mor-genne gehiérdun þæt þæs cyninges þegnas . . . þæt se cyning ofslægen wæs. Chr. 755 ; P. 48, (v. III. 4.) (c) with a relative clause :-- Þæt ōdre gehȳron be mē þæt, þæt ic wilnige, swā swā hȳ ǣr gehȳrdon þæt, þæt ic nolde, Ps. Th. 50, 9. X. intrans. To be informed about :-- Ðā gehȳrde hē be þām wundrum þe Basilius worhte, Hml. S. 3, 496. [Goth. ga-hausjan: O. Sax. gi-hōrian: O. H. Ger. ge-hōren audire, exaudire, parere, obedire.] v. un-gehīred. ge-hiran

Palavras relacionadas: l.
