Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-hwyrfan
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
-hwerfan, -hwirfan, -hwierfan;
- ge-hwyrfan
- p. de; pp. ed To change, turn, convert; mutare, convertere :-- Hyra woruld wæs gehwyrfed their world [life] was changed, Cd. 17; Th. 21, 3; Gen. 318. Flód gehwerfde ða ceastre a flood overturned the city, Shrn. 77, 12. Hwylc ðonne géna gehwyrfed byþ quoadusque justitia convertatur in judicium, Ps. Th. 93, 14. Hí gehwyrfde synd conversi sunt, Ps. Spl. 77, 46 : Exon. l0 b; Th. 12, 20; Cri. 188. Mín drihten, ðú ðe gehwyrfest ealle sáule my Lord, thou who convertest all souls, Blickl. Homl. 249, 14. Manige Israhela bearna he gehwyrfþ to heora drihtne many of the children of Israel he shall turn to their Lord, 165, 13. Ic ðé bidde for ðínum naman ðæt ðú gehwyrfe on me ealle eáþmódnesse ðínra beboda I beseech thee for thy name that thou devolve on me all submission to thy commands, 147, 11. Paulinus gehwerfde Édwine Norþhymbra cyning to fulwihte Paulinus converted Edwin king of Northumbria to christianity, Chr. 601; Erl. 20, 12. Hér wæs Paulus gehwierfed in this year Paul was converted, 34; Erl. 6, 14 : 30; Erl. 6, 9. His word bióþ gehwirfdo to unnyttre ofersprǽce his words will be perverted to useless loquacity, Past. 21; Swt. 164, 18; Cot. MS. Hí wurdon gehwyrfede to deórwurðum gimmum they were turned into precious stones, Homl. Th. i. 64, 5 : Th. An. 28, 35. On heáf gehwyrfede turned to mourning, Blickl. Homl. 195, 17 : 233, 5. Ic wæs gehwyrfed on mínne líchoman I was restored to my body, 155, 25. ge-hwyrfan