
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-ládian

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

Add: (1) to make lád (q. to clear oneself:--Ne beó þám þeófe ná þe geþingodre, oþþe hine be þǽm geládie, Ll. Th. i. 198, 20. (a) where the degree of lád is given:--Gif hié mon teó, geládie hí be sixtegum hída, Ll. Th. i. 68, 19. Be his ágnum were geládige hé hine, 120, 18. Gylde hé, oþþe hine be fullan geládige, 392, 19. Gyf hine man teó ꝥ hé hine út sceóte, geládige hine swá hit on lande stande, 260, 9. (b) to clear oneself of a charge of cognizance, connivence, &c. (gen.):--Gyf se landman ǽniges fácnes gewita sý, þonne sý hé wítes scyldig, búton hé hine þǽre gewitnesse geládie, Ll. Th. i. 354, 27. (c) to clear oneself by shewing that one had no cognizance of a matter, did not connive at (clause with þæt):--Gif hé nyte hwá hit stǽle, geládige hine selfne ꝥ hé þǽr nán fácn ne gefremede, Ll. Th. i. 50, 31. Búton hé hine geládige ꝥ hé hine fléma nvste, 382, 22. Búton hé hine geládige ꝥ hé ná bet ne cúðe, 384, 15. Dolien ealles þæs hý ágon, gif hí wóh tǽcen, oþþe geládian hí ꝥ hí bet ne cúðon, 354, 11. (d) where (a) and (b) are combined. v. (1):--Sé þe diernum geþingum betygen sié, geládie (geclǽnsie, geswicne, v. ll.) hine be .cxx. hída þára geþingea, Ll. Th. i. 134, 12. (e) where (a) and (c) are combined:--Gebéte hé þæs þeófes were oþþe hine mid fullan áðe geládige ꝥ hé him nán fácn mid nyste, Ll. Th. i. 392, 16. v. un-geládod. ge-ladian

Palavras relacionadas: ):--Gif hé ládian wille, geládige be dǽde mǽðe, swá mid þrifealdre, swá mid ánfealdre láde, Ll. Th. i. 346, 14. Ǽlc þe gewita oþþe gewyrhta sí þǽr útlendisc man inlendiscan derie, geládie þǽre midwiste be þes orfes weorðe, 354, 29. Búton hé on húsle geládian móte, 362, 21. (2) generally reflexive,
