Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-lífan
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- ge-lífan
- Take here ge-léfan in Dict., and add: I. absolute, to exercise faith:--Ne ondrǽd þú ðé, gelýf (geléf, L., giléfes, R.) for án, Mk. 5, 36. 'Gif þú gelýfan (geléfe, L. R.) miht, ealle þing synd gelýfedum (ðǽm geléfes credenti, L. R.) mihtlice' . . . Hé cwæð: 'Ic gelýfe (-léfo, L. R.),' 9, 23-24. Ꝥ ðú mæge þý bet gelýfan, Bt. 36, 3; F. 176, 4. I a. to hold the true faith, be converted to Christianity:--Bodiað godspel . . . sé ðe gelýfð and bið gefullod, sé bið gehealden, Hml. Th. i. 300, 28. Þǽr gelífde ǽrest sum ríce man mid ealre his duguðe (cf. praefectum ciuitatis cum domo sua conuertit ad Dominum, Bd. 2, 16), Chr. 627; P. 25, 23. Þá wigan ne gelýfdon the men were heathens, Dan. 58. II. with preps. (1) to believe in (on) (a) a person, (α) with acc.:--Wé geleófað on Drihten, Bl. H. 247, 3. God biþ milde þǽm monnum þe on hine geléfaþ, 47, 33. Manige sculon geleófon on mínne naman, 237, 14. (β) with dat.:--Þæt gé geleófon on mínum Drihtne, Bl. H. 247, 22. (b) a thing:--Hé in his meahte gelýfeð, Seef. 108. On mínne geleáfan geleófan, Bl. H. 249, 11. ¶ where the article of belief or trust is given:--Ic on God gelýfe, þæt mínre sprǽce spéd folgie, Ps. Th. 55, 4. Ic gelýfe on þé, þæt þú eart se éca kyning, Hy. 3, 37. Ic þæt gelýfe in líffruman, þæt hé mec nǽfre wille ánforlǽtan, Gú. 609. (2) to believe in the existence of:--Wé sceolan geléfan on ꝥ éce líf and on ꝥ heofonlice ríce, Bl. H. 111, 11. (3) to trust to, look with confidence or hope to (cf. hopian tó):--Wé ealle tó þé án gelýfað, Hö. 69. Þá cyrcan þe gé tó gelýfað, Wlfst. 232, 16. ¶ where the subject of trust or hope is given, (a) by a noun or pronoun. Cf. V. 2:--Ic helpe tó þé gelýfe ad te confugi, Ps. Th. 142, 10. Gif wé ús tó þám hálgan helpe geléfað, Sat. 291. Hé him tó anwaldan áre gelýfde, frófre and fultum, B. 1272: 909. Ne sceolde þe nán man swelces tó geléfan, Bt. 5, 1; F. 10, 3. (b) by a clause:--Gelýfe ic tó Gode, ꝥ úre frið bið betera, Ll. Th. i. 242, 11. Gelýfe ic tó eów, ꝥ gé willan fylstan, 250, 5. Ic gelýfe tó þé, þæt þú mé nǽfre wille ánforlǽtan, An. 1286. Nú is tó gelýfenne tó ðan leófan Gode, ꝥ hí blission mid Xpe, Chr. 1036; P. 158, 36. (4) to trust to the doing or being of something, expect confidently:--Ic gelýfe tó lífe æfter deáðe, and ic gelýfe tó árísenne on dómes dæge, and eal þis ic gelýfe þurh Godes mægen and miltse tó geweorðonne, Ll. Th. ii. 262, 14-17. (5) to consider as (tó), think a thing so and so:--Ðá lytlan synna mon ne geléfð tó nánre synne minor culpa quasi nulla creditur, Past. 437, 26. Þéh hí sýn þæs morþres scyldige, hí hit him tó nánre synne ne gelýfaþ, Bl. H. 65, 11. III. with gen. to believe in the existence or reality of an object, in the actual occurrence of an event or condition, in the genuineness of a document. (1) with noun:--Lisse ic gelýfe leahtra gehwylces, Hy. 10, 54. Hé ne geliéfð ðæs grínes ðe hé mid gebrogden wyrð, ǽr ðon hé hit gefréde, Past. 331, 20. Sé þe wénþ ꝥ þis sóþ ne sié, ðonne ne geléfþ hé nánes sóþes, Bt. 36, 3; F. 178, 7. Wé þe gelýfað Crístes ǽristes, Hml. Th. i. 222, 2. Þá þe sóþes gelýfað and georne þæt smeágeað, Wlfst. 4, 8. Ðá Saducie andsacedon ðǽre ǽriste æfter deáðe, and ðá Fariséos geliéfdon ðǽre ǽriste, Past. 362, 6. Búton tweón hí geliéfen ðára leána, 407, 29. Ðætte hié ðý fæsðlícor gelífden ðára écena ðinga ut ad aeternorum fidem certius roboretur, 389, 36. Hí noldon æt fruman gelýfan his ǽristes of deáðe, ðá ðá hit him gecýdd wæs, Hml. Th. i. 300, 25: Bl. H. 111, 9. Gif gé nellað geléfan þæs ǽrendgewrites, Wlfst. 214, 20. (2) with pronoun:--Ne swylt nán þára þe gelýfð on mé; gelýfst þú ðyses (credis hoc)?, Jn. 11, 26. Ic hæbbe eów áreht rihtne geleáfan; sé ðe hine áht þisses tweóð and his gelýfan nele . . . and sé ðe . . . his ealles gelýfð, þæs ðe ic rehte þæt ðurh God geweard . . ., Wlfst. 28, 12-16. Ðá scamleásan nyton ðæt hié untela dóð, . . . and ðeáh hit mon him secgge, hié his ne geliéfað, Past. 206, 2. Gif hié þæs ne geliéfen if they will not admit that, Ors. 5, 1; S. 214, 11. Ic ðé wolde get reccan sume race, ac ic wát ꝥ þis folc his nyle geléfan (ne illud quidem acquiescent), Bt. 38, 6; F. 208, 5. (2 a) with pronoun and clause in apposition:--Ðæs ic geléfe, ꝥte ǽlc unriht wítnung sié þæs yfel þe hit déþ, Bt. 38, 6; F. 208, 20. Gelýfst þú þæs, þæt ic þé mæge dón gewisran be Gode . . .?' Geá, ic hys gelífe, Solil. H. 18, 6. IV. with dat. (1) to believe a person when making a statement:--Gyf hé Israhéla cyning sý, gá nú nyþer of ðǽre róde, and wé gelýfað hym (credimus ei), Mt. 27, 42. Hí lícette ꝥ hé sceolde bión se héhsta God, and ꝥ dysige folc him gelýfde, Bt. 38, 1; F. 194, 14: Met. 26, 40. Ióhannes cóm on rihtwísnesse wege, and géne gelýfdon him, Mt. 21, 32. Gif hié him ne geliéfen, áscien Ispánie, Ors. 5, 1; S. 214, 14. Hæbbe man gewitnesse ungeligenra manna þe man gelýfan mæge, Ll. Th. i. 158, 12. (1 a) where statement to be believed is given, (α) directly in a clause:--Gelýf mé ꝥ seó tíd cymð . . ., Jn. 4, 21. Geliéf mé, nú ic hit ðé secge, næfst ðú ðǽr náuht æt . . ., Bt. 14, 2; F. 44, 6. (β) indirectly by a pronoun in gen.:--Se deófles man gealp þæt hé Godes bearn wǽre, and þæt folc him tó swýðe þæs gelýfde, Wlfst. 99, 18. (2) to believe on a person, give credence to the claims made by or for a person:--Scs Adrian geseah hú ánrǽde þá crístenan men wǽron; þá gelýfde hé Críste, Shrn. 59, 26. (3) to believe a statement, accept as true:--Þá menn ðe þysum leásungum geléfdon, Bt. 38, 1; F. 196, 8. Wit þæs áwærgdan wordum gelýfdon, Sat. 416. Ne gelýfdon menn lárum sínum, An. 814. Hí ne woldon wordum Drihtnes gelýfan, Ps. Th. 77, 24. Gehýr monig spel, wite ðeáh hwylcum ðú gelýfan scyle, Proto believe in something, accept as genuine:--Hí noldan his wundrum wel gelýfan non crediderunt in mirabilibus ejus, Ps. Th. 77, 31. Nó hwæðere þæt Daniel gedón mihte, þæt hé wolde Metodes mihte gelýfan, Dan. 169. (5) to trust to:--Þǽr gelýfan sceal Dryhtnes dóme sé þe hine deáð nimeð, B. 440. V. with acc. (1) to believe:--Wé gelýfað eall þæt ðæt wé witon, Solil. H. 18, 9. (1 a) with acc. and clause in apposition:--Heó sóð ne gelýfde, þæt þǽre sprǽce spéd folgie, Gen. 2383. (2) to expect confidently for oneself, feel sure of. Cf. II. 3. ¶:--Ne hé him fultum þǽr fæstne gelýfde, Ps. Th. 51, 6. Ðé wæs þeós hwearfung betere, for þám þæt þú þé betre ne geléfde, Bt. 7, 3; F. 22, 25. VI. with clause:--Þú geleófst ꝥ seó wyrd . . . þás woruld wendan ne mæge, Bt. 5, 3; F. 14, 10. Sceolon gelýfan eorlas hwæt mín æðelo sién, An. 734. ¶ with passive construction:--Gif Agustinus is milde and eáðmódre heortan, þonne is hé gelýfed ꝥ hé Crístes geoc bere si Augustinus mitis est et humilis corde credibile est, quia iugum Christi portet, Bd. 2, 2; Sch. 117, 3. ge-lifan