
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-macian

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

Substitute: I. to make, fashion, construct a material object :-- Hé be þám gemǽron castelas lét gemakian, Chr. 1097 ; P. 233, 25. Gé ne sceolon beón rance mid hringgum' geglengede, ne eówer reáf ne beó tó ranclíce gemacod, ne eft tó wáclíce, Ll. Th. ii. 358, 6. II. to produce by action, bring about a condition of things, make peace, & c. :-- Hí þǽra cinga sehte swá gemacedon, ꝥ se cyng Melcolm tó úran cynge cóm, and his man wearð, Chr. 1091; P. 227, 2. II a. with dat. of person affected by feeling produced :-- Eác is hearm Gode módsorg gemacod, Gen. 755. III. to use :-- Se ælmihtiga wyrhta geworhte on anginne ealne middaneard on his mycclum cræfte, ac hé sylf wæs ǽfre unbegunnen scyppend, sé ðe swá mihtiglíce gemacoáe swylcne cræft, Hex. 4, 4. IV. to cause to be. (1) with adj. complement :-- Þá sind sóðe welan, and heora lufigendne gemaciað weligne écelíce, Hml. Th. ii. 88, 29. (2) with subst. complement :-- Þone hé ǽr éhtende martyr gemacode, Hml. Th. ii. 82, 24. (3) with and dat. :-- Gif hé him þæt mǽden mihte gemacian tó wífe. Hml. S. 3, 366. V. with dependent clause, to cause that, bring about that :-- Hé on láreówes onlícnesse ðá ðenenga ðæs ealdordómes gecierð tó hláforddóme, and gemacað ðæt his ege and his onwald wierd tó gewunan ex simulatione disciplinae ministerium regiminis vertit in usum dominationis, Past. 121, 25. Hé gemacode þæt fýr cóme ufan swilce of heofenum, Hml. Th. i. 6, Hí gemacodon þæt him cómon tó creópende fela nǽddran, ii. 488, 20: Chr. 1075 ; P. 211, 9: Hml. S. 31, 498. Gemaca ꝥ þá wíf gecyrran sylfwilles tó ús, 36, 373. Gé habbað ús gedón láðe Pharaone and eallum his folce, and gemacod þæt hig wyllað ús mid hyra swurdum ofsleán foetere fecistis odorem nostrum coram Pharaone et servis ejus, et praebuistis ei gladium ut occideret BOS, Ex. 5, 21. V a. to arrange with a person that something shall be done :-- Hire wer gemacode wið þone cyning ꝥ man sette on cweartern þone apostol, Hml. S. 36, 275. [O. Sax. gi-makón: O.H.Ger. ge-mahhón.] ge-macian