
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-munan

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

ic, he -man, -mon,

pl. -munon; also ic -mune, he -monþ, pl. -munaþ; p. -munde; pp. -munen [a verb whose present tense is the past tense of a lost strong verb, cf. Lat. memini]; with gen. and acc. To remember, bear in mind, consider; recordari, memorari, meminisse, meditari :-- Gemunan his hálegan cýðnesse memorari testamenti sui sancti, Lk. Bos. 1, 72. Gif he ne wile mid inneweardre heortan gemunan and geþencean if he will not with sincere heart bear in mind and consider, Blickl. Homl. 55, 11. Hie nellaþ gemunan ðone dæg heora forþfóre they will not remember the day of their departure, 61, 4. Ne geman heó ðære hefinysse non meminit pressuræ, Jn. Bos. 16, 21. Gif he ðæt eal gemon if he remembers that all, Beo. Th. 2375; B. 1185. Ic ðé ðæs leán geman I will remember a reward for thee for it, 2445; B. 1220. Ic gemune ðé recordor tui, Ælfc. Gr. 41; Som. 44, 2. Ic gemuna meditabor, Ps. Spl. 62, 7. Seó leó gemonþ ðæs wildan gewunan hire eldrana the lioness remembers the wild manner of her parents, Bt. 25; Fox 88, 12. Hie ðæt eall gemunan and ðurh ðæt leóht gemanode beóþ they remember all that and are admonished by the light, Blickl. Homl. 129, 21: Bt. 16, 1; Fox 48, 30. Hie gemunaþ ða mycclan eáðmódnesse they recollect his great humility, Blickl. Homl. 129, 10. Ðonne gé gemunaþ Drihten eówerne God when ye remember the Lord your God, Deut. 4, 29. Ðá gemunde God sunu Lameches then God remembered Lamech's son, Cd. 71; Th. 84, 33; Gen. 1407: 121; Th. 156, 8; Gen. 2585. Híg gemundon his worda recordati sunt verborum ejus, Lk. Bos. 24, 8. Gemundon weardas wíg-leóþ the watchmen remembered the war-song, 154; Th. 191, 26; Exod. 220. Gemun ðín mann-weorod memento congregationis tui, Ps. Th. 73, 2. Gemune ðú manigra bearna ðe on Edom synt memento filiorum Edom, 136, 7: 118, 49: Ps. Spl. 24, 6. Gemunaþ mínre sprǽce mementote sermons mei, Jn. Bos. 15, 20. Gemunaþ ðæt gé silfe wǽron þeówe on Egipta lande remember that ye yourselves were slaves in Egypt, Deut. 5, 15; Exon. 75 a; Th. 281, 4; Jul. 641. Gemunon we úre dæghwamlícan synna let us be mindful of our daily sins, Blickl. Homl. 25, 14: Cd. 217; Th. 277, 11; Sat. 202. Gif hí ða geearnunga ealle gemundon if they had remembered all the benefits, Byrht. Th. 137, 35. Ne biþ gemunen non memoretur, Ps. Spl. 82, 4.

Palavras relacionadas: munan. ge-munan
