Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-nóg
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- ge-nóg
- adj. Add: I. in agreement with a noun, which it generally follows:--Ne bið ðǽr nǽnig ealo gebrowen, ac þǽr bið medo genóh, Ors. 1, 1; S. 20, 19. Hond gemunde fǽhðo genóge, B. 2489. Hé cúðe sóð genóg, Gú. 266. Gefæstnodon mé feóndas genóge, Kr. 33. Ꝥ hé næbbe sǽlþa genóge, Bt. 14, 2; F. 44, 19: 11, 1; F. 32, 8. Ic eów wísige þæt gé genóge neón sceáwiað beágas and brád gold, B. 3104. II. as predicate:--'Hér synt twá swurd.' Hé cwæð: 'Ꝥ ys genóh (-nóg, R., sat est),' Lk. 22, 38. Genóg is ús sufficit nobis, Jn. L. R. 14, 8. Genóh is, Kent. Gl. 1088. Genóh bið munece twá tunican sufficit monacho duos tonicas, R. Ben. I. 92, 8. Genóh byð þám leorningcnihte þæt hé sý swylce hys láreów, Mt. 10, 25. Ǽlcum men þúhte genóg on þǽre eorþan wæstmum, Bt. 15; F. 48, 3. Genóh, Met. 8, 7. Him ðǽr genóg ðyncð, Past. 449, 14. III. used absolutely in singular:--Þá þurfon swíþe lytles þe máran ne willniaþ þonne genóges, Bt. 14, 2; F. 44, 14. Hió gehǽt him ǽghwæs genóg (-nóh, ), Past. 71, 23. Gelde swá hé genóh áge (the MS. has háge with gono written above it) let him pay as he may have enough i. e. as much as his means allow, Ll. Th. i. 30, 2. ¶ habban genóg to have enough:--Þe lǽs þe wé and gé nabbon genóh ne forte non sufficiat nobis et vobis, Mt. 25, 9: Jn. 14, 8; Hml. Th. i. 182, 19. Ꝥ hié ǽghweþer ge þǽm þearfan hrægl syllan mihtan, ge hweþre him sylfum genóg hæfdon, Bl. H. 215, 14. Hé hæfþ ǽlces gódes genóh, Bt. 10; F. 28, 14: Bo. 34. ge-nog