Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-rec
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- ge-rec
- Add: and gerecu, e ; f. ( see Bt. 5, 3; F. 14, 3). I. rule, government :-- Micelne fultum gereces (maximum regendi auxilium) néo on him gemétte, Bd. 4, 26; Sch. 508, 19. He seofontine winter on bisceoplicum gerece fore wæs decem ac septem annos eidem prouinciae pontificali regimine praeesset, 2, 15; Sch. 177, 6. Heó onféng Þam gerece þæs mynstres, 4, 6; Sch. 384, 2 : 5, 20; Sch. 673, 23. On his mynstre þe hé hæfde under gerece cúðbaldes þæs abbudes, 5, 19 ; Sch. 672, 16. Þú nystest mid hwilcan (hwelcere, ) gerece God wylt þisse worulde quibus gubernactulis mundus regatur oblitus es, Bt. 5, 3 ; F. 14, 3. Mid þám ilcan gerece is gereaht gewrixle þæs flódes and þæs ebban pelagus regens, 21 ; F. 74, 29, Ia. a rule, decree :-- Gerec decretum, Germ. 398, 49. II. an orderly condition, a quiet time [cf. O. H. Ger. in allen ge-rechen sin florere] :-- Gefylsta on gerecum ndiutor in oportunitatibus, Ps. Rdr. 9, 10 : 22 : Ps. Spl. 9 second, l. Geræcum, 9, 9. [The Latin word seems to have been misunderstood in a favourable sense, cf. gefultumend æt ǽlcere ðearfe. Ps. Th. 9, 10, an explanation">and see un-gerec.] III. an explanation, exposition, account :-- Be emnihte æfter Anatalius gerece (race, v. l.) áne bóc de aequinoctio iuxta Anatolium una epislola, Bd. 5, 23 ; Sch. 698, 2. v. in-,un-gerec. ge-rec a tumult. In Mt. L. 27, 24 gerec seems a mistake for un-gerec (q. v.) : the Rushworth Gloss has un-gerec (printed -reo).ge-rec a pinnace (?) :-- Gerec liburnices, Wrt. Voc. ii. 112, 67: 50, 79 .ge-reca. Dele, an explanation">and see heáh-geré; ILLEGIBLE -ræc To move, come, g o :-- Tósomne geræc (printed -ræt) congelaverat. Wrt. Voc. ii. 133, 37. ILLEGIBLE blód tósamne geræc, Bl. H. 183, 25. v.écan to smoke, fumigate :-- Dó gléda an glédfæt, and lege þá wyrta on; geréc þone man mid þám wyrtum, Lch. ii. 346, 4. Gyf hyt bið mid gereced, i. 356, 14. [O. H. Ger. ge-rouhen libare aromatibus .]ge-reccan. Add: I. to extend :-- Gereceþ extendit, Wrt. Voc. ii. 140, 49. II. to offer, give. v. reccan ; II :-- Wé gereccað lofu Úrum Sceppende referamus laudes creatori nostro, R. Ben. I. 46, ii. Heahsittendum þancas gereccean hý ná yldon celsithrono grates referre non distulerunt, Angl. xiii. 368, 39. III. to tell, say. (1) to state a fact :-- Ic þé gerecce swíþe hraþe ILLEGIBLE ðú ongitst ILLEGIBLE hé biþ for lytlum þingum oft gedréfed, Bt. II. I ; F. 32, 17. Hé geræcð him tó geleáfsuman (see ge-leáfsum) ðæt hé sié se gesǽlgosta, Past. 463, 13. Gerecce man hú manega þára sién, Ll. Th. i. 82, 12. Hí synden gerehte allocuntur, An. Ox. 2287. (2) to relate, narrate, record :-- Historia, þæt is gerecednyss; mid þǽre man áwrít and gerehð (-recþ, v. l.) þá ðing þe wǽron gedóne on ealdum dagum, Ælfc. Gr. 296, 9. Áwrát oððe gerehte digessit, Wrt. Voc. ii. 27, ii : narrat, exponit, An. Ox. 1555. Gerecce expediet, Wrt. Voc. ii. 145, 39. Gereccan expedire, i. narrare, 33. Nú wylle wé sum ðing scortlíce eów be him gereccan, Hml. Th. ii. 118, 3. Heofona heáhðu gereccan, Dóm. 31. Is gereht memoratur, An. Ox. 1986 : 2206. Hit is gereht on ðyssere pistolrǽdinge hú se Hálga Gást óm, Hml. Th. i. 314, l. Ge-ehtum digessit (l. digestis. v. Aid. 201, l), Wrt. Voc. ii. 96, 21. (3) to pronounce judgement, declare the law, decree, decide, order, direct what should be done :-- Ǽrest for ðǽre rihtwísnesse hé (the judge] gereceð (dicat, Lat. vers. ) ðæs gyltes bote, Ll. Lbmn. 474, 9. Ðá geræhte Uulfréd ond alle ðá wiotan ðet se biscop ond ðá hígen mósten mid áðe gecýðan, C. D. i. 279 5. þonne setton wé hé hit ne móste sellan . . . and ILLEGIBLE þonne on cyninges gewitnesse gerecce beforan his mǽgum, Ll. Th. i. 88, 21. Ne wandiað for nánum þingum folcriht tó geregceanne (=segclanne ? , -reccanne, v. l. ) ; and Þ gehwilc sprǽc hæbbe ándagan hwǽnne heó gelǽst sy, ILLEGIBLE gé þonne gereccan, 158, 6-8. Béte swá him dómeras gereccen (quantum arbitri judicaverint, Ex. 21, 22), 48, 18. Geselle him mon . c. scitf. tó bóte, búton him witan máre gereccan, 100, 14. Is ciépemonnum gereht . . . , 82, 10, Ðonne wille wé cweðan ðæt hé sié genóg ryhtlíce his bróðor deáðes scyldig . . . Nú ðonne nú ðá líchomlican lǽcas ðus scyldige gerehte (-reahte, v. l.) sint, Past. 377, 22. (4) gereccan (on or dat. of person) to charge (with). Cf. secgan on :-- Gif hit man him on gerecce mid sóðe, Ll. Th. i. 222, 4. Se man ðe ðis forsitte . . . and him mon eft þilce gerecce, 258, 15. (5) to explain, expound :-- Race geswuteliaþ . . . sutelícor gerehte [haee non modo x] collationes [patrum] propalabnnt; [verum etiam Gregorius per allegoriam] clarius elimavit, i. exudavit, elicuit, An. Ox. 916. Sé gerehte elimauit, manifestavit (itinerarium Petri decem voluminibus digestum), 2026. Þá diglan gerehte trahte clancula elicuit commentis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 94, 30. Geræhte, 31, 57. Gerece dissere (nobis parabolam, Mt. 13, 36), 72, 64: 26, 34. Ic wolde get þú me hwæthwegu openlícor gereahte (-rehtest, v. l. , edisseras) be þǽre wísan þe mín mód swíþost gedréfed hæfþ, Bt. 39, 4 ; F. 216, 10. (5 a) to interpret, translate :-- Se cyning gerehte his witan on heora ágenum gereorde þæs bisceopes bodunge (cf. se cyning his ealdormannum wæs walhstod interpres geworden, Bd. 3, 3; Sch. 200, 17, Hml. S. 26, 65. His nama wæs gereht 'Godes strengo, ' Bl. 9, 14; 81, I. (6) to shew, prove :-- Ǽr wé þé hæfdon ILLEGIBLE gereaht ILLEGIBLE God wǽre þurh hine selfne good (Deus ipsum esse bonum monsíratus est) . . . Ic nysse hwæt se fruma wǽre . . . þá gerehtest þú mé ILLEGIBLE hit wæs God. Ðá nysse ic eft ymb þone ende, ǽr þú mé eft gereahtes ILLEGIBLE ðæt wǽre eác God. Ðá sǽde ic þé ILLEGIBLE ic nysse Hé hé ealra þára gesceafta wiólde; ac þú hit me hæfst nú swíðe sweotole gereht, Bt. 35, 3 ; S. 97. 6-24. Ic wéne þæt hit sié nú þearf ILLEGIBLE ic þé gerecce liwǽr ILLEGIBLE héhste gód is nunc demonstrandum reor, quonam haec perfectio constituta est, 34, l ; F. 134, 3: 35, 5 ; F. 166, 4. 'Ic ne mæg nán óþer geþencan, búton hit weás swá gebyrige, buton ðú mé get þý. gesceádlícor óþer gerecce. Ðá andswarode hé : ' Nis hit nán wundor ðeáh hwá wéne ILLEGIBLE swylces hwæt unmyndlinga gebyrige þonne hé ne can ongitan and gereccan for hwí God swylc geþafað' nisi causa deprehendatur, quid est quod a fortuitis casibus differre videatur ILLEGIBLE .( Nec mirum, inquit, si quid ordinis ignorata ratione temerarium credatur, 39, 2 ; F. 214, 6-10. Gerecce hé demonstret, ostendat, 38, 2; F. 198, 24. Ic wolde ILLEGIBLE þú mé gereahte hú . . . vellem has ipsas audire rationes, 38, 6; F. 208, 7. Eal ILLEGIBLE þú gereccan miht monstraveris ILLEGIBLE þínes ágnes wǽre, 7, 3; F. 20, 8:13. Hé sceal beforan ðǽm ðearlwísan Déman mid gereclicre race gereccean ðæt hé ðæt ilce self dyde þe hé óðre men lǽrde apud districtum judicem cogitur tanta in opere exsolvere, quanta eum constat aliis voce praecepisse, Past. 192, 15. Ic þé hæfde gereaht be monegum tácnum te persuasum permullis demonstrationibus scio, Bt. ll, 2; S. 26, 10. Ǽr wé þé hæfdon gereht (-reaht, v.l. ) God wǽre þurh hine selfne gód Deum beatitudinem ipsam esse concessimus, 35, 3 ; F. 158, 21. Swá mihtigne swá wé hine gereahtne habbað eum potentissimum concessimus, 35, 4; S. 98, 16. Untweólicere ealdorlicnesse is geséþed ILLEGIBLE gereht indubitata auctoritate asstipulatur, i. creditur, An. Ox. 217. (7) gereccan tó to reckon as, to make to stand for :-- Uton geécan þone anweald and ILLEGIBLE geniht, dón þǽr weorþscipe tó, and gereccan þonne þá þreó tó ánum addemus sufficienliae poten/iaeque reverentiam, ut haec tria unum esse judicemus, Bt. 33, I; F. 120, 27. Is sió nosu gereaht tó gesceádwísnesse per nasum discretio exprimitur, Past. 65, 21. IV. to guide, direct, govern. (1) to direct, regulate the movements of material objects :-- Mid þám ilcan gerece is gereaht swíþe anlic gewrixle þæs flódes and ðæs ebban. Bt. 21 ; F. 74, 29. Sint gereahte diri(g)entur (deriventur fantes tui foras, Prov. 5, 16), Kent. Gl. 103. (l a) to send in a straight line; gangan gereht to go direct :-- Gang nú tó þínum mynstre mid Godes sibbe gereht, Hml. S. 23 b, 706. (l b) to direct the course of a non-material object, bring into a condition (cf. O. H. Ger. ge-recchen revehere) :-- Eall Italia ríce hí in anwald gerehton, Bt. I; F. 2, 5. (2) to direct a person in his actions, & c. :-- [Drihten] gerecht [mé] Dominus regit me, Ps. Rdr. 22, l. Hé gerecþ (diriget) biliwite, 24, 9. Gerecð, Kent. Gl. 346. Gereceþ dirigit, i. regit, ic wæs gereaht dirigebar, Wrt. Voc. ii. 140, 49, 50. Gerece me on sðþfæstnisse þínre, Ps. Rdr. 24, 5: Ps. Ben. 24, 4: Ps. Th. 89, 18. Bióð gereahte reguntur (sapientia), Kent. Gl. 439. (2 a) to instruct :-- Ic þé mæg gereccan be sumere bisne ILLEGIBLE þú miht ongiton ILLEGIBLE . . . , Bt. 27, 3; F. 98, 17. (3) to direct the actions, & c. , of a person :-- Weorc handa úrra gerece (gehræce, Ps. L. ) opera manuum nostrarum dirige, Ps. Rdr. 89, 17. Ic wilnode andweorces þone anweald mid to gereccenne, Bt. 17; F. 60, 8. Ðonne bið ðæt rice wel gereht (-reaht, v. l.), ðonne sé ðe ðǽr fore bið suíðor wilnað ðæt hé rícsige ofer monna unðeáwas ðonne ofer óðre góde menn summus locus bene regitur, cum is, qui praeest vitiis potius quam fratribus dominatur, Past. 117, 10. Ic þæs wísce þæt wegas mine on ðínum willan weorþan gereahte utinam dirigantur viae meae, Ps. Th. 118, 5. Geræhte , Gú. 740. (33) to correct :-- Gerecð corrigit (qui rectus est corrigit viam suam), Kent. Gl. 806. (4) to direct words to a person, address :-- Ðone cwide Paulus gereahte eft to biscepum, Past. 104, 9. (5) to rule as a lord :-- Hal dó folc bin, and gerece (rege) hy. Ps. Rdr. 27, 9. V. to assign :-- Man hine áflýmde ðá, and man gerehte Æðelréde cyninge ðæt land and ǽhta, C. D. iii. 291, 18. Hí an ðára xv hída ðæ hire hlaford hire lǽfde, and him man on ágene ǽht gereahte ipsa concedit xv hidas quas ei uir suus reliquit, el pro qua ei pretium datum fuit, v. 137, ii. Ðús wǽron ðá land . . . ðám cinge Eádgár gereht on Lundenbyrig . . . Man gerehte on cinges þéningmanna gemóte ðǽre stówe and ðám biscope ðá forstolenan bécc, vi. 80, 11,21. Va. to appoint? :-- Gesette, gerehte prae-posuit (omnibus generalium virtutum gradibus ... speciale virginitatis privilegium praeposuit, Aid. 6, 23), An. Ox. 344. VI. to reprove, reproach :-- Heó mec swá torne tǽle gerahte. Jul. 73. Hé þá hálgan weras hospe gerahte, 300. Mé sóðfæst symble gerecce, and mildheorte mode þreáge corripiet me Justus in misericordia, et increpabit me, Ps. Th. 140, 7. Hi hrædlíce, æfter þǽm þe þá wíf hié swá scondlíce geræht hæfdon, gewendon, Ors. 1, 12; S. 54, 5. [Passages I. 2, and 4 might be taken under ge-rǽcan; I. 4.] [Nu ich habbe þe iraht hu he hauede þene nome icaht, Laym. 10842. O. H. Ger. ge-recchen ex-, dis-tendere, porrigere, expedire, enarrare, explanare, interpretare, revehere, perftcere. ] v. v. ge-recedness: ge-reccelic. v. (-recced-). Add: I. history :-- Historia, þæt is gerecednyss (-recced-, v. l.) ; mid þǽre man áwrít and gerehð þá ðing and þá dǽda þe wǽron gedóne on ealdum dagum and ús dyrne wǽron.Ǽlfc. Gr. Z. 296, 8. [Æfter] gerecednesse, gástlicum angite . . . secundum kistoriam, allegoriam . . . , An. Ox. 181. la. a history, story, narrative :-- Her onginneð seó gerecednes be Antioche . , . and be Apollonige, Ap. Th. l, l. þǽreǽrran gerecednyssa prioris instrument!; the Old Testament, An. Ox. 1676. Fiþerdǽledre gerecednysse (the gospel s), 1796- Cyrclicere gerecednysse ecclesiastic historiae, 2273. Mid witiendlicere gerecednysse propketica relatione, 1585 : 3142. Of gereccednysse (spelle, v.l. , relatione) Honorates, Gr. D. 134, 13. On ðǽre ealdon gereccednysse in the Old Testament, Hml. Th. ii. 60, 8. Gecyndboca gerecednesse geneseos relatuta i. relationem, An. Ox. 51. We ne wrítað ná mare buton þá nacedan gerecednisse, Ælfc. T. Grn. 23, 4. Swá swá gé rǽdað on eowrumgerecednyssum, Hml. S. 5, 177. II. explanation, exposition, interpretation :-- Hé sylð his gife ðám ðe hé wile . . . sumum men he forgifð gereccednysse mislicra sprǽca (ali datur interpretatio sermonum, l Cor. 12, 10), Hml. Th. i. 322, 29. II a. an explanation :-- Gerecednessum explanationibus, An. Ox. 1082. III. direction :-- On gerecednesse heortan in directione cordis, Ps. Rdr. 118,, e; f. I. telling, narration :-- Ne magon hý ðǽre tungan gerecnisse áspyrian they cannot follow what the tongue says, Sal. K. p. 150, 4. II. interpretation, explanation :-- Tó mǽgwlite gást-licre (-a, v. l.) gerecenesse (-a, v. l.) ad formam interpretationis, Bd. 5, 23 ; Sch. 696, 4. III. proof, testimony. C. ge-reccan ; III. 6 :-- Gerecenesse congerie (v. (?) testimoniorum congerie, Ald. 7, 36; but see ge-recenness), Wrt. Voc. ii. 23, 26. IV. direction; correctio, directio. v. ge-reccan ; IV :-- Gerecenes setles his correctio sedis efas, Ps. Vos. Srt. 96, 2. On gerecenesse heortan in directione cordis, 118, 7. Mine gerecenesse direclionem meant, 138, 3. V. going, departure (?). v. reccan; III :-- Oð þone dæg his gerecenesse (or gerece(n)nesse ?. v. ge-recenness) of middangearde usque ad diem suae uncationis, Bd. 5, 12 ; Sch. 634,ge-recenian. Add: to arrange, set in order :-- ILLEGIBLE a he hæfde ealle his fare gerecenod (-reconod, v./. ). Chr. 1052; P. 180, 15. Gerecanade condito, Wrt. Voc. ii. 18, 45. [O. H. Ger. ge-rehhanðn parare (viam), disponere.] ge-rec