
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-scippan

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

Take here ge-sceppan in Dict., and add: I. to create, form. (l) of the operation of divine power :-- God gesceóp æt fruman twégen men, and hé geswác ðá þǽra gesceapennyssa . . . ac . . . hé gescypð ǽlces mannes líchaman on his móder innoðe, and him sáwle siððan on besett. Ne beóð ðá sáwla náhwár ǽr ðan wunigende, ac se ælmihtiga wyrhta hí gescypð ǽlce dæge, swá swá hé déð þá líchaman, Hml. Th. ii. 206, 21-27. Of frymðe þǽre gesceafte þe God gesceóp (giscóp, R., condidit), Mk. 13, 19. Smiðode oððe gescóp cudaret (summus princeps, Ald. 156, 22), Wrt. Voc. ii. 19, 36. Gesceapen cretus (cf. ácenned cretus, 24), 21, 30. Tó þǽre ilcan eorþan þe se líchoma ǽr of gesceapen wæs, Bl. H. 21, 29. Úre líchoma wæs gesceapen of feówer gesceaftum, 35, 12. Gescapene (-scepen, Ps.V.) hý syndon creata sunt, Ps. Rdr. 148, 5. Þá sibbe ðe þá tunglu on gesceapne wǽron, Bt. 39, 13; F. 232, 26. (l a) where the character, condition, &c. assigned at creation are given. Cf. ge-sceap ; III. 2. (a) with complementary adj. :-- Þ UNCERTAIN weé úrne líchoman and úre sáule swá unwemme him ágeofan, swá hé hié ǽr gesceóp, Bl. H. 103, 22. (β) with tó :-- God gesceóp tó mǽran engle þone þe nú is deófol; ac God ne gesceóp hine ná tó deófle, Hml. Th. i. 12, 19. Þǽre gecynde ðe heó tó gesceapen wæs, Bt. 25 ; F. 88, 7. Ðás eorþlican wæstmas sint gesceapene nétenum tó andlifene, and þá woruldwelan synt gesceapene tó biswice þám monnum þe beóð neátenum gelíce, 14, i; F. 42, 1-3. (2) where the subject of the verb is a man :-- Hwæþer þú fægerra blóstmæna fægnige swelce þú hié gescópe. Bt. 14, I ; F. 40, 25. Þú hit ne gesceópe, 14, 2 ; F. 42, 35. II. to shape, give a particular form to. Cf. ge-sceap ; III. I :-- Godes gást férde ofer þá wæteru tó gescyppenne and tó gelíffæstenne ꝥ ungehíwode antimber (ad formandam et vivificandam informem materiam), Angl. vii. 16, 155. Hwanon wæs Adames nama gesceapen? Fram iiii steorrum, Sal. K. 178, 32. Stríc on twá healfa þínes fét þám gemete þe hí gesceapene beóð, Tech. ii. 126, 10. II a. to shape after or according to (to) a pattern :-- Wé sint gesceapene æfter ðǽre biesene úres Scippendes. . . sé ðe tó Godes bisene gesceapen is (ad Dei imaginem conditus), Past. 249, 22. Hí on fruman tó Godes híwunga gesceapene wǽron, Bl. H. 61, 7. ¶ naman gescippan to name a person (dat.) :-- Hit wæs gewunelic þæt þá mágas sceolden þám cilde naman gescyppan on ðám eahtoðan dæge, ac hí ne dorston nǽnne óðerne naman Críste gescyppan þonne se heáhengel him gesette. Hml. Th. i. 94, 22-26. III. of the ordering by Providence, to ordain, appoint, destine. Cf. ge-sceap ; III. 3. (l) to destine a person to () a condition, lot, &c. :-- Ðætte ðæt mód gemyne of ðǽm suingum ðe ðæt flǽsc ðolað tó hwǽm eal monncyn gesceapen is ut animus cui sit conditioni snbditus, ex percussa, quam sustinet, carne memoretur, Past. 255, 19. Þá sár and þá brocu þe se man tó gesceapen is, Bl. H. 59, 34. Wá biþ þǽm mannum þe ne ongytaþ þisse worlde yrmþa, þe hié tó gesceapene beóþ . . . ne hié ongytaþ þæt hí gesceapene wǽron tó þon écan lífe, næs ná tó þon écan deáþe, 6i, 2-8. ¶ of human ordering ? :-- Hé (Ptolemy) tógædere gesceóp (-sweów, -sweóp, ) ealle Egyptum and Arabia he ordered all Egypt and Arabia should be united ? (the Latin is: Ptolemaeo Aegyptus Arabiaeque pars sorte provenit), Ors. 3, II; S. 142, 27. (2) to ordain a condition for a person :-- Næs him gesceapen fram Gode . , . þæt hé sceolde Godes bebod tóbrecan, Hml. Th. i. 18, 28. Gif ꝥ sóþ is ꝥ hit him swá gesceapen wæs, ꝥ hí ne móston elles dón, Bt. 41, 2 ; F. 246, 20. Gif ꝥ sóð beón mæg, ꝥ him swá gesceapen wæs, Hml. S. 17, 234. (Goth. ga-skapjan: O.Sax. gi-skóp; p. ; O.H.Ger. ge-scafan, -sceffan creare, condere, formare.) ge-scippan

Palavras relacionadas: l.
