Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-sǽlignes
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- ge-sǽlignes
- Add; I. hap, fortune, fallentis fortunae, Wrt. Voc. ii. 146, 73. Gesǽlinesse fatu, An. Ox. 2627. Hwæt wilnast þú þonne ILLEGIBLE þú hæbbe æt swelcre gesǽlignesse? guid autem tanto fortunae strepitu desiderastis ? Bt. 14, 2 ; F. 44, 5. I a. a hap, fortune, an event :-- Gesundfullum gesǽlinessum secundis successibus, An. Ox. 2582 : prosperis successibus, i. fortunis, 3995 : 4260. II. happiness, good fortune, happy estate, v. gesǽlig; II. (1) of persons :-- Ðyncð him ðæt hié wiellen ácuelan for ðǽre medtrymnesse ðæs óðres gesǽlignesse (felicitatis), Past. 231, 21. Ðá sceáwede ic míne gesǽlinesse (felicitatem) and mín wuldor and þá . . . gesǽlignisse mínes lífes, Nar. 7, 21. (2) of things, favourable condition, richness of soil :-- Þá gesǽlignesse þǽre eorðan fertilissimarum regionum felicitatem, Nar. 5, 23. III. blessedness, beatitude, v. ge-sǽlig ; III :-- Ðú sǽdest ILLEGIBLE Godes gódness and his gesǽligness and hé self þæt ; ILLEGIBLE wǽre eall án ipsam boni formam, Dei, ac beatitudinis loquebaris esse substantiam, Bt. 35, 5; F. 164, 24. IV. a happiness, what is characterized by good fortune, a favourable condition or circumstance. V. ge-sǽlig; IV :-- On eallum þisum líchamlicum gesǽlignessum, Bt. 24, 3; F. 84, 10. v. un-gesǽligness; ge-s;ǽþ.ge-sǽllic. Add :-- Gesǽlicum gelimpum fortuitis casibus, Hpt. Gl. 504, 53. v. ge-sǽlig ;ǽllíce. Add :-- Gesǽlícor salubrius, R. Ben. I. 18, 5. v. un-gcsǽllíǽlness, e; f. A hap, chance, event :-- Gesǽlnessum successibus, Hpt. Gl. 500, 21: 506, 10. v. ge-sǽligness; I a. ge-sæltan. v. ge-siltan. ge-sǽlþ. Add: -sǽlþu(-o). I. a hap, fortune, an event :-- Of gesundfullum gesǽlþum secundis, i. prosperis successibus, i. fortunis, An. Ox. 3633. II. happiness, good fortune, (a) favourable condition :-- Micel gesǽlð bið þé, þæt ðú on ðínre gesǽlðe ne forfare, Th. ii. 392, 33. Ðonne hié gesióð ðára óðerra gesǽlðo (-a, v. l.) eáciende dum augmenta auenae prosperitatis aspiciunt, Past. 230, 19. Sume bióð tó ungemetlíce blíðe for sumum gesǽlðum, 455, 8. III. happiness, blessedness. Cf. ge-sǽlig; III :-- Hæfde God þæs mannes sáwle gegódod. . .mid undeádlicnysse and mid gesǽlðe... wé forluron þá gesǽlðe úre sáwle, Hml. Th. i. 20, 1-3. III a. the happiness of heaven :-- On Crístes ríce is éce gesǽlð and eádignys, Hml. Th. i. 460, 18. Englas on gesǽlðe libbende, Ælfc. T. Grn. 2, 26. Gif hié geðenceað ðára gesǽlða ðe him ungeendode becuman sculon si attendatur felicitas, quae sine transitu attingitur, Past. 407, 30. v. un-, weorold-, ge-sǽlþ.ge-sǽte, es; n. An ambush, a snare :-- Alles næhtes giséto tatius noctis insidias. Rtl. 37, 19. Cf. sǽǽtnian. Take here ge-setnian (l. -sétnian) in Dict,ge-sǽwe (?); adj. That may be seen, visible, apparent :-- Swá swá þeós geséwe (gesewene ?) sunne úres líchaman æúgan onleóht, swá onlíht se wisdóm úres módes æúgan, Solil. H. 44,ǽwness (?), e ; f. The surface of the sea :-- Gessunes aquor, Wrt. Voc. ii. 8, 33. [Cf. (?) O. H. Ger. séwen stagnare. ]ge-sagian. v. ge-secgan : ge-sagu. Add: ILLEGIBLE hiá geendebrednadon ðæt gesaga ordinare narrationem: gesagun. Add :-- Ðá gisagune (cf. ge-segen : Icel. sggn; or l. ge-sagunc (-ung). See preceding word: ge-sahte. v. ge-sécan. ge-samhíwan. Add: Ðá gesomhíwan (conjuges) . . . ðæt mód ðára crístenra gesamhíwena (conjugum), Past. 395, 31, 3. v. riht-gesam-híwan. ge-samnian. Add: I. to collect, get together. (1) the object living creatures, to assemble for a common purpose :-- Hé gesomnade alle ðá aldormenn biscopa, Mt. L. 2, 4. Ðá hét heó gesomnian ealle þá gelǽredestan menn, Bd. 4, 24 ; Sch. 485, 3. Ðider gesomnad biðon (congregabuntur) ðá earnas. Mt. L. 24, 28. On þǽre stówe wé wǽron gesamnode, Bl. H. 141, 27. Hié þyder in wǽron tó ðǽm lofsangum gesamnode, 207, 36; 67, 21. (2) the object things, (a) material :-- Gesomnadon collegerunt, Jn. L. R. 6, 13. Rómáne gesomnodon al þá goldhord þe on Bretene wǽron, Chr. 418 ; P. 10, 17. ILLEGIBLE unmǽte gestreón oþþe eal se wela þe hí dæghwámlíce gesamnodan all the wealth that daily they amassed, Bl. H. 92, 29. Malagma, quod. . . comprehendetur . . . comprehendatur in heáp bið gesamnod, Wrt. Voc. ii. 58, 57. Ic (rain) eom . . . wedre gesomnad, Rá. 31, 2. (aa) to collect what is growing, gather fruit, corn, & c. :-- Gesomnas (gisoronigað, R. ) uæstem congregat fructum, jn. L. 4, 36: colligent, 15, 6. Ne of ðornum gesomnað (colligunt) fícbeám. Lk. L. 6, 44. Gesomnigæþ (colligile) þá weód . . . hwéte gesomnigaþ (congregate) in berern mine, Mt. L. 13, 30. Úre wæstmas gesamnian to get in our harvest. Bl. H. 39, 12. Gesomnad biðon ðá unwæstma colliguntur zizania, Mt. L. R. 13, 14. (b) non-material, (a) to accumulate crimes, heap up damnation :-- Hæfdon hié wróhtgetéme wið God gesomnod, Gen. 46. ILLEGIBLE to concentrate thought :-- Gesamnige hé, swá hé swíðost mæge, ealle tó þám ánum his ingeþonc. Met. 22, ii. II. to form by collecting, to collect an army, a crowd, assemble a council :-- Eádmund cyning gesomnode micelne sinoð tó Lundenbyrig, Ll. Th. i. 244, 2 : Chr. 673 ; P. 35, 22. þá gesomnode man fyrde, 1001 ; P. 133, 21. Ǽr sió fierd gesamnod wǽre, 894; P. 84, 35. Þǽr wæs gesamnod geþeahtendlic ymcyme, Ll. Th. i. 36, 7. þǽr witena bið worn gesamnod. Sal. 400. III. used reflexively , to assemble, come together, meet. Cf. ge-samnung; III :-- Ðá gesomnodon wé ús ymb ILLEGIBLE , Ll. Th. i. 56, 18. Æþelstán cyning and Sihtric Norðhymbra cyng heó gesamnodon æt Tameweorðige, Chr. 925 ; P. 105, 19. III a, used intransitively :-- Tó þǽre ylcan stowe ealle gesomniað (congregantur), LI. Th. ii. 178, 8. Gesomnedon glomerarentur (plures), Wrt. Voc. ii. 83, 44. Fariséos gesomnadun (conuenerunt) in án, Mt. R. L. 22, 34: Mt. L. 27, 62. Gesomnadun tó him ǽghwonan, Mk. L. R. I. 45. IV. to join one thing to another, join things together so as to form a whole :-- Wel þé geríseð, þæt þú heáfod sió healle mǽrre and gesomnige síde weallas fæste gefóge, Cri. 5. ILLEGIBLE sum anweald . . . his swá gesomnige (canjunxerif) swá hé þone úrne déþ, Bt. 34, 3; F. 138, l. IV a. of the union of body and soul :-- Sáwl and líchoma . . . wunedon ætsomne . . . se ælmihtiga hí ǽror gesomnade, Met. 20, 246. Beóð þonne (the day of judgement) gegædrad gǽst and bánsele, gesomnad tó þám síðe, Dóm. 103. Þæs dæges sáwla and líchaman beóð gesamnode, Angl. viii. 336, 31. IV b. of the union of marriage :-- Ne synt hig twégen, ac an flǽsc. Ne getwǽme nán man þá þe God gesomnode (conjunxit), Mt. 19, 6. ILLEGIBLE hiá mið woere hire gisomnia ðú gimeodomiga ut eam cum uiro suo cofutare digneris, Rtl. 108, 42. Ðá gesinhíwan . . . bióð gesomnode (conjuncti) ðæt . . . , Past. 397, 9. IV bb. used reflexively, to marry: -- -Gif wer and wíf hý gesomnien (in matrimonio se conjunxerit), Ll. Th. ii. 146, 36. Gif þeówa and þeówen hig gesamnigon (se conjunxerint), 150, 15. Geleófe men hig móton gesamnigan (in matrimonium ire), 152, 24. V. to form by union of elements, make by joining :-- Þæt mon cúðe tóslíteð, þætte nǽfre gesomnod wæs, Ru. I. 18, V a. of the marriage union :-- Hé gesamnað sinscipas.clǽnlice lufe conjugii sacrum castis nectit amoribus, Met. II. 91. Þæt God gesamnode (junxit), ne syndrige ꝥ nán man, Mk. lo, 9. Tógædere gesamnod nodatur, i. ligatur (licitis connubii nexibus), An. Ox 1403. VI. used reflexively, to join together for a common purpose to associate for common action :-- Hié móton hié gesomnian, gif hié willað, tó þám were. Gif hí hié gesamnian nellen, gielde sé þæs wǽpnes onláh þæs weres þriddan dǽl they may join together, if they like, to pay the 'wer'. If they do not like, let him who lent the weapon pay a third of the 'wer', Ll. Th. i. 74, 4-6. [O.H.Ger. ge-samanón colligere congregare, cumulare, glomerare.] ge-sælignes