Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-sund
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- ge-sund
- Add: I. sound, without flaw or defect. (l) of persons, in good health :-- Sum móder bær hire sámcuce cild . . . hé cwæð þæt hire cild gesund beón sceolde, Hml. Th. ii. 150, - 19. Hé eóde cucu and gesund intó his byrgene, i. 74, 25. Ne swelte ic mid sáre, ac ic gesund lifige, Ps. Th. 117, 17: Bl. H. 245, 14. Hé is git hál and gesund viget incolumis, Bt. 10 ; F. 28, 14: Wrt. Voc. i. 46, 5. Hé hine hálne and gesundne æteówde, Bl. H. 177, 27. Þǽr wé gesunde sæl weardodon, B. 2075. (l a) of spiritual health :-- Wile fæder eahtan hú gesunde suna sáwle bringen, Cri. 1075. (2) of things :-- Swá swá sió nafu bið gesund . . . Se wǽn biþ micle leng gesund þe lǽs biþ tódǽled from þǽre eaxe, Bt. 39, 7; F. 222, 26-29. Hí eallne his líchaman gemétton onwealhne and gesundne inuenerunt corpus totum integrum, Bd. 4, 30; Sch. 534, 18. Heora reáf wǽron ealle gesunde, Hml. S. 23, 438. II. where injury is avoided, uninjured. (l) of persons :-- His gebedu ádwǽscton þone líg, and hé beláf gesund. Hml. S. 29, 251: Jul. 584. Ne sý him bánes bryce . . . ac gé hine gesundne ásettað, Gú. 673. Gesun[de] úp ástandan synd rǽdde sospites (e thermis) emersisse leguntur, An. Ox. 4783. (2) of things, (a) material :-- Seó studu gesund and ungehrinen from þám fýre ástód posta tuta ab ignibus et intacta remansit, Bd. 3, 10; Sch. 234, 14. Gif sweordhwíta wǽpn tó feormunge onfó, oððe smið monnes andweorc, hié hit gesund bégen ágifan swá hit hwæðer hiora ǽr onfénge, Ll. Th. i. 74, 10. (b) non-material :-- Þæt ic þín sóðfæst word gesund móte healdan, Ps. Th. 118, 20. Þú hæfst gesund gehealden eall ꝥ deórwyrþoste þætte þú þé besorgast hæfde si quad in omni fortunae tuae censu pretiosissimum possidebas, id tibi divinitus illaesum atque inviolatam servatur, Bt. 10; F. 28, 9. III. where danger is escaped, safe, (l) of persons :-- Þ UNCERTAIN hé hine gemundbyrde þá hwíle ðe hé þǽr wǽre, and hine gesundne eft þanon bróhte, Bt. 35, 6; F. 168, 22. Gehealde hine .xxx. nihta gesundne, Ll. Th. i. 90, 8. Þæt hié him gesunde burgen subtrahentes se pugnae, Ors. 2, 5; S. 80, 32. Þancigende his gescyldnysse hí ealle gesunde cómon eft tó heora earde. Hml. S. 25, 453. Stópon úp weras of wǽge and hyra wicg gesund, Ru. 23, 21. (2) of things, (a) that escapes danger :-- Gesund salua (reverentia), An. Ox. 5269. (b) that averts danger (?) :-- Mid gesunde cum tuta [IV. of a condition, free from evil, misery, &c., prosperous, happy :-- Gesundne síð secgas áseten hæfdon, El. 997 : 1005. Hí gesittað him on gesundum þingum, Gn. Ex. 57. Gesundra dexterior, Wrt. Voc. ii. 28, 22. Hit oft gesǽleð on þǽm sélran þingum and on þǽm gesundrum (in secundis rebus), Nar. 7a 26. IV a. in valedictory expressions :-- Heó rǽhte hire handa him tó and hét hine gesund faran (she bade him farewell), Ap. Th. 27, 2. Farað nú gesunde and gesǽlige becumað. Hml. S. 6, 89. Hé háteð hý gesunde faran, Cri. 1342. ge-sund