
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-swiðrian

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad To weaken, destroy; imminuere, debilitare, conficere :-- Mægen wæs geswiðrod the might was destroyed, Elen. Kmbl. 1393; El. 698: 1833; El. 918: 2526; El. 1264: Judth. 12; Thw. 25, 18; Jud. 266. Ne mót innan geondscínan sunne for ðǽm sweartum mistum ǽr ðæm hí geswiðrad weorþen the sun cannot shine through from within for the black mists before they are dissipated, Bt. Met. Fox 5, 90; Met. 5, 45. Ðæt helle fýr wæs siððan geswiðrad that hell-fire was afterwards mitigated, Ors. 2, 6; Bos. 50, 20.

Palavras relacionadas: ge-sweðrian. ge-swiþrian,ge-swiðrian
