Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-tæl
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- ge-tæl
- Add: I. the precise sum of any collection of individual objects :-- Wæs gemenigfylld þæt getel cristenra manna, Hml. Th. i. 44, 21. Symle bið háligra manna getel geeácnod . . . Nis þæt getel Godes gecorenra lytel, 536, 24-26. JJæt getel ðǽra fixa laef máran getácnunge ðonne gé understandan magon, ii. 292, þurh ꝥ ungerímedlic getell þára mǽrra cýðra, Ll. Lbmn. 413, 15. Getæl l gerím (getel, Ps. Spl., getell, Ps. L.) daga mínra numerum dierum meorum, Ps. Rdr. 38, 5. ꝥ getæl þǽra stafena wé þencað tó cýðanne, Angl. viii. 335, 40. II. a particular sum of units, of a kind determined by the context :-- Æfter þám þúsende bið se deófol unbunden. Nú is þæt þúsendfeald getæl ágán, Wlfst. 243, 24. Fulfremedum þreófealdum getæle perfecto trino numero, Hy. S. 60, 29. Þæs mónan swiftnes áwyrpð út ǽnne dæg and áne niht of a day has to be deducted from the in the abstract">number of days in a lunation every nineteen years">Sim getæle (-tele) hys rynes ǽfre ymbe neogontýne geár (a day has to be deducted from the in the abstract">number of days in a lunation every nineteen years; cf. binnan nigontyne wintrum wurde án dæg gelytlod of þæs mónan ylde, Angl. viii. 308, 27), Lch. iii. 264, 22. Án þúsend . . . twá þ úsend and swá forð to ǽlcum getele (-tǽle, ), Ælfc. Gr. Z. 282, 12. III. a sum or total of abstract units :-- þæt twelffeald getel getácnode þá twelf apostolas, Hml. Th. i. 190, 11. Syxtigfeald getel (-tell, -tæl, v. ll.) sexagenarius . . . þúsendfeald getel (-tæl, v. l.) millenarius, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 285, 5-10. Hundfeald getel is fulfremed, Hml. Th. i. 338, 27. púsend getel bið fulfremed, and ne ástíhð nán getel ofer þæt. Mid Þam getele bið getácnod seó fulfremednys . . . , 188, 34-190, 1. Hylt Godes gelaðung bis hundseofontigfealde getel, ii. 86, 2. III a, a word that denotes a in the abstract">number, a cardinal numeral :-- Adverbia cumað of ǽlcum getele, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 285, 13. IV. a collection of objects. (1) where inclusion in the collection is marked">the full in the abstract">number of a collection of objects. (1) where inclusion in the collection is marked :-- Hé mihte beón geteald on ful-fremedra hálgena getele, Hml. Th. ii. 120, 5. Seó bóc ys geteald tó þisum getele . . . Hester seó cwén hæfð eác áne bóc on þisum getele, Ælfc. T. Grn. n, 10-13. (2) the class or category of :-- Getæl catalogus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 15, 39. On getæle in catalogo (in catalogo charismatum enumerantur, Aid. 6, 22), 43, 61. Módignys ys endenéxt gesett on getele ðǽra heáfodleahtra, Hml. Th. ii. 222, 3. V. a (large, small, &c. ) collection or company of persons or things :-- Cóm þet mycele sǽflód . . . and ádrencte manncynnes unárímædlice geteall (-tel, -tæll, v. ll.), Chr. 1014; P. 145, 29. VI. a certain company of persons, collection of things, not precisely reckoned :-- In centurias seniorum et juniorum divisus; centurias getalu sive heápas dictae, Wrt. Voc. ii. 49, 34. VII. in the abstract">number in the abstract :-- God ealle gesceafta gelógode on gemete, and on getele and on hefe, Hml. Th. i. 286, 14. Hé ealle gesceafta gesette on ðrím ðingum: in mensura, et pondere, et numero, þæt is on gemete, and on hefe, and on getele, ii. 586, 32. Numeralia syndon ðá ðe getácniað getel (-tæl, v. l.), Ælfc. Gr. Z. 232, 6: 280, 18. VII a. in phrases denoting that objects have not been, or cannot be, counted :-- Ymbsealdon mé yflu þǽra nis getell (quorum non est numerus), Ps. L. 39, 13: 146, 5. God is bútan getele, for ðon ðe hé is ǽfre. Hml. Th. i. 286, 11. VIII. a calculated space of time :-- Twá hundredum and seofen and sixtigum fíftýne geáres getel olimpiade ducentesima sexagesima septima, An. Ox. 3036. þæ nǽfre ǽr . xi. kl. Aprelis, ne náht æfter . vii. kl. Mi. eástortíd gewurðan sceal. Ac on þison getele, lóc hwǽr hit þonne tó gegá, healde hit mon þǽr mid rihte, Lch. iii. 226, 10. Getalum laterculis (pentecoste septenis hebdomadarum curriculis calculatur sicut Iubileus septenis annorum laterculis supputatur, Ald. 53, 7), Wrt. Voc. ii. 50, 29. IX. in grammar, in the abstract">number, property in words of denoting that one, two, or more objects are spoken of: -- Sum getel (-tæl, v. l. ) bið ǽfre menigfeald : singuli homines ǽnlípige men . . . Gyt ðǽr is óder getel (-tæl. v. l. ) æfter ðisum: singularis ánfeald, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 284, 5-17. Gýt synd manega getel (-tæl, v.l.) on mislicum getácnungum : simplum . be ánfealdum, 286, 16. X. of speech, rhythm :-- Ríma getæl rithmus (cf. rithmus, numerus, 7, 274), Corp. Gl. H. 103, 179. Cf. rím-getæl. XI. computation, reckoning :-- Getæl conputatio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 15, 38. Getæl calculus, An. Ox. 21, 8. Geteles supputationis, i. computationis, 1535. On getales ríme, Sal. 38. Of getele calculo, An. Ox. 3229. Ne magon wé þá tíde be getale healdan dagena rímes, Men. 63. þ á stafas þe preóstas on heora getæle habbað, Angl. viii. 335, 39. Is þæt þúsendfeald getæl ágán æfter mennisclicum getæle, Wlfst. 243, 24. Be ealdum getele wǽron þá ágáne ðreó hund geára, Hml. S. 23, 486. Án eórod is gecweden on ðám ealdan getele six ðúsend manna and six hund and six and syxtig, 28, 12. Nǽron náne tída on þám geárlican getæle ǽr ðám God gesceóp ðá tunglan tó geárlicum tídum, Hex. 12, 21. Syððan lǽt gán ꝥ getæl swá wé nú cwǽdon then let the counting go on as we have just said, Angl. viii. 326, 30. þ á ealdan Rómáne ongunnon þæs geáres ymbryne on ðysum dæge . . . Þá Egyptiscan ðeóda ongunnon heora geáres getel on hærfeste . . . Rihtlícost bið geðúht þæt þæs geáres anginn sý gehæfd on þám dæge þe þæt Ebréisce folc heora geáres getel onginnað, Hml. Th. i. 98, 19-33. XII. recounting, telling of :-- Æfter getal tuoentig féuer aldra post expositionem viginti quattuor seniorum, Mt. p. 10, 1. v. gear-, heáfod-, míl-, sealm-, seofon-, þúsend-, un-getæl (-tel). ge-tæl