Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-teón
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- ge-teón
- p. -teóde. Add: I. to do, effect, cause :-- Heora feorh generede Metodes weard . . . , hálige him þǽr help geteóde, Dan. 236. Hé wolde guman findan þone þe him on sweofote sáre geteóde, B. 2295. II. to determine a course of action :-- Hé ꝥ on his móde gehogod and geteód hæfde, ꝥ hé wolde ealle his þeóde fordón totam eius gentem delere decreuerat, Bd. 3, 24; Sch. 307, 7. III. of the decrees of Providence. (l) to determine to do :-- Drihten geteód hæfdeꝥ hé þon biddendan éce líf forgeáfe, Bl. H. 19, 35. (2) to appoint a course of action, lot, condition to a person, determine an event :-- Unc sceal weorðan swá unc wyrd geteóð Metod manna gehwæs, B. 2526. Þám (St. Matthew) God hlýt geteóde út on þæt ígland, An. 14. Gif ðæt God geteód habbe, ond me þæt on lǽne gelíð, þet gesibbra ærfeweard forþcymeð wépnedhádes, Cht. Th. 483, 15. Earm bið sé þe sceal ána lifgan, wineleás wunian, hafað him wyrd geteód, Gn. Ex. 174. (3) to appoint a person or thing to a course, &c. , destine :-- Wið þæs gecyndes þe hí Fæder æt frymðe fæste getióde (cf. þǽre gecynde ðe ǽlc gesceaft tó gesceapen wæs, Bt. 25; F. 88, 7), Met. 13, 13. Gif óþer nýten wǽre geteód tó þon écan lífe, Bl. H. 29, 5. Þá áne men habbaþ Críst on heora heortan þe geteóde beóþ tó þon écean lífe, 75, 35. þæt wé ne weorðan geteódde (-teohhode, ) on þá hellewítu, Verc. Först. 116, 10. (3 a) where the course, &c. , is not given :-- Sé þe wæs ǽr eallum worldum geteód and geendebyrd, Bl. H. 31, 22. Cf. ge-tíung. ge-teon