
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-timbru

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

Substitute: ge-timbre, es; n.: ge-timbru (-o); f., g. pl. ge-timbrema (cf. ge-tíme). I. a building, fabric :-- Ꝥ æteówde ꝥ eall ꝥ getimbre þǽre cycenan (omne coquinae aedificium) sceolde beón forburnen, Gr. D. 123, 29. Hergiendum getimbres tempel laudantibus aedificium templi, Lk. p. 10, 13. Eallre þǽre cyricean and þám óþrum getimbre, Bd. 3, 17; Sch. 269, 17. Þurhwuniendum eallum þám getimbre þæs hames perdurante tota domus fabrica, Gr. D. 119, 27. Swá swá spearwa on getimbre (aedificio), Ps. Vos. 101, 8. Swá swá hýg getimbrena l þæcena sicut foenum tectorum, Ps. L. 128, 6. Getimbra aedificiorum, Ps. Rdr. Ps. Vos. 128, 6. Eal þás getimbro (-u, ) ... néh is ꝥ hí ealle fýr fornimeð, Bd. 4, 25; Sch. 498, 9. Getimbro (-u, R.) temples aedificationes templi, Mt. L. 24, 1: Mk. p. 5, 6. II. building, construction :-- Be þæs temples getimbro de aedificatione templi, Bd. S. 23; Sch. 696, 16. Þá broþor óþerra weorca swíðor gýmdon and þysse cyricean getimbro forléton. Gesetton hí fore unmǽtnesse þæs gewinnes ꝥ hí eallinga forléte þá getimbro þysse cyricean fratribus alia magis curantibus, intermissum esi hoc aedificium ... Statuerunt ob nimietatem laboris huius structuram ecclesiae funditus relinquere, Bd. 3, 8; Sch. 225, 16-226, 2. v. heáh-, stán-getimbre. ge-timbru

Palavras relacionadas: l.
