Ge-trúwian, -trýgian
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-trúwian, -trýgian
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- ge-trúwian, -trýgian
- Add: I. absolute :-- Getrúwiað confidete, Jn. 16, 33. II. with dat., to trust to :-- Se gelǽreda him ne getrúwað on ðǽre hreón sǽ, Past. 59, 2. Hé getrúwode ðæs mægene ðe hit him bebeád, 51, 16. Him nán folc ne getrúwade, Ors. 4, 12; S. 210, 12: 5, 7; S. 230, 7. Ne getrúa ðú ne innitaris (prudentiae tuae), Kent. Gl. 30. Wé nytan nánum óðrum þingum tó getrúwianne. Ll. Th. i. 220, 16. II a. to trust something to a person :-- Ðe Hǽlend ne gitrýgade hine solfne him non credebat semetipsum eis, Jn. R. 2, 24. II b. to trust to a person for something (clause with þÆt), Gen. 248 (in Dict.). III. with gen., to trust in or to something, B. 2322 (in Dict.). IV. with preps, (be, on, in), to be confident about, trust in, rely on :-- Hé getrúwode be his láreówes mægene swýðor þonne be his ágenum mægene plus didicerat de magistri, quam de sua virtute confidere. Gr. D. 19, 8. Hé getrúwode on his snotornesse and on ðá bóclican láre, Ap. Th. 3, 24. V. with clause, to trust that :-- Þá ne getrúwade se eahteþa dǽl þára legian þæt Rómáne Pirruse wiðstondan mehte octava legio, diffidens Romanae spei, Ors. 4, 1; S. 160, 8. Hié getrúwedon ꝥ hié mid hiera cræftum sceolden sige gefeohtan, 2, 4; S. 72, 16. Hié getrúwedon þæt hié ofer þǽm íse faran mehten, 4, 11; S. 208, 2. VI. to inspire with confidence, persuade, when the Egyptians saw that, their magicians encouraged them, and made them believe with their magic arts that they would be able to go by the same way, Ors. 1, 7; S. 38, 31. VII. to clear from a charge. Cf. ge-treówian; III. ge-tríwan; III :-- Sé þe óðres mannes man underfó þe hé for his yfele him fram dó, and him [hine ?] getrúwian ne mæge his yfeles ... Gif se hláford þonne wille þone man mid wóh fordón ... gif hé láðleás beó if A receive B's man, C, that B has turned away for his (C's) ill-doing, and to B C cannot clear himself of the charge of ill-doing. ... But if B wants wrongfully to ruin C ... and if C be innocent. Ll. Th. i. 220, 19-24. [Goth. ga-tranan: O. Sax. gi-trúón, -trúóian: O.H. Ger. ge-trúén, -trúón.] ge-truwian