Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-unnan
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- ge-unnan
- Add: (1) absolute, to grant a request, consent :-- Geunnendre méder (geundremedre, MS.) matre consentiente, An. Ox. 4000. (2) with gen. or uncertain, veniam prebes, Rtl. 18, 7. Hé him ǽgþres geúþe, Ors. 2, 1; S. 64, 12. Geunn ús tó þissum dæge dæghwámlices fóstres, Wlfst. 125, 11. Gionn ús helpe praesta nobis auxilium, Rtl. 16, 29. Forgif mé, swegles ealdor, sigor ..., geunne mé mínra gesynta, Jud. 90. Ic áh þearfe þæt þú mínum gǽste gódes geunne, By. 176. Symbelnis ús giwnne (prestet) fremnise, Rtl. 68, 1. Hí bǽdon Sabini ꝥte hí him geúðen hiora dohtra him tó wífum tó habbanne, Ors. 2, 2; S. 64, 26. Ic wille eówres geunnan eów, on þá gerád þe gé mé geunnan mínes, Ll. Th. i. 196, 18: 330, 12. (2 a) with gen. of pron. representing a clause. Cf. (4) :-- Crístes gespelian þe crístendóm and cynedóm healdaþ þá hwíle þe þæs God geann, Ll. Th. i. 350, 4. Hí bǽdon ꝥ hí móston habbon Morkere heom tó eorle, and se cyng þæs geúðe, Chr. 1064; P. 192, 2. (3) with acc. :-- Ic geann him vi mæran ... and þá hors, C. D. B. iii. 653, 7. Hé geann Gode his sawelscættas ... hé geann ánes geáres gafol his monnum ... hé geann his hláforde .ii. hors and .ii. sweord and .iiii. scyldas ... and hé ann his wífe þæs landes, 652, 16-30. Gewunna l sella (exhibebit) mé mǽ ðon tuelf hergas engla, Mt. L. 26, 53. God hæfð geunnen ðone wurðmynt his gecorenum, Hml. Th. i. 366, 16. Hí habbað geunnen twá land in tó ðǽre hálgan stówe, C. D. iv. 72, 20. (3 a) with pron. representing a clause :-- Ðis him giwnna (hoc ei prestare), ꝥte nǽngo woerding ædeáua, Rtl. 102, 9. ¶ gen. or acc. comes to be used indifferently in the same document, even in the same line :-- Ánes híwscipes hé geann and án sylhðe oxna; and hé geann his hláforde twégen helmas ... and Ordulfe twégra bóca ... and Wulfgáre twégra wáhryfta and þreó byrnan, and Godríce twégra byrnena, Cht. Crw. 23, 4-16. (4) with adv. :-- Áhte hé .vii. nihta grið, bútan man leng geunnan wolde, Ll. Th. i. 330, 16. (5) with clause :-- Gionn (praesta) ꝥte ðerh hine wé giearnigo, Rtl. 2, 19: 3, 7: 16, 11. Cwæð þæt him geúðe God þæt hí ætsomne síðian móston, Hml. Th. ii. 152, 15. ge-unnan