
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-wesan

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

to be together, converse, discuss :-- Ic flítan gefrægn módgleáwe men gewesan ymbe hyra wísdóm I have learnt that wise men had disputes and discussions about their wisdom, Salm. Kmbl. 363; Sal. 181. Grein writes 'gewésan; p. -weós,' and compares 'ymbweoson' in the Northumbrian Gospels. But this word is wrongly written by Bouterwek, it should be 'ymbwoeson,' see Mk. Skt. p. 1. The Durham Ritual glosses 'conversatio' by 'giwosa,' and this may throw light on the meaning of 'gewesan.' Both Goth. and O. H. Ger. have the word 'gawisan, gi-wesan,' in the sense to remain, abide; restare. ge-wesan