
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-writ

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

Add: [a wk. gew. gewritena occurs, Ælfc. T. Grn. 1, 16]:--Gewrit caraxatio, Wrt. Voc. i. 46, 63: scriptura, 75, 8. I. writing. (1) written language:--Gewrite grammate (facundo grammate, Ald. 195, 22), Wrt. Voc. ii. 41, 47. Bringað hý Gode on gewrite ealle þæt wé gedóð, Wlfst. 233, 7. Hí þurh ǽrendrakan and þurh gewrite atíwdon hwí hí ðǽr beón ne mihton, Chr. 1074; P. 204, 6. Hé áwrát þára muneca regol mid heálicum gewrite and mid torhtum wordum scripsit monachorum regulam, discretione praecipuum, sermone luculentam, Gr. D. 175, 3. Monige cúðon Englisc gewrit árǽdan, Past. 7, 17. On gewrit settan to put into writing, Ll. Th. i. 58, 22. (2) a number of written characters:--Þis mon sceal wrítan on húsldisce . . . + + + A + C D + . . . In principio . . . sunt. Þweah þonne ꝥ gewrit mid hálig-wætre of ðám disce on þone drenc, Lch. ii. 136, 3-9. II. a writing. (1) a written statement, passage from a book:--Ꝥ heáflice gewrit wearð fordílegod, and se sárlica cwide eft oncerred . . . 'Terra es tu . . ,' Bl. H. 123, 6. Æftera gewritt wítgiunges secundum scribturam prophetiae (Zech. 9, 9), Mt. p. 18, 16. (2) of official, formal documents. (a) of law or jurisprudence:--Gif þǽr bið gewrit oþþe gewitnes si scriptum intersit testamenti et testes, Ll. Th. i. 88, 18. Wilhelm cyng grét ealla þá þe þys gewrit tó cymð ofer eall Engla-land, 489, 2. Beháten gewrit pollicita rescripsio, An. Ox. 5455. Hér geswutelað on þison gewrite hú Æðelréd kyning geúðe ꝥ Æðeríces cwyde standan móste, Cht. Th. 539, 31: Ll. Th. i. 270, 8. Gewrit cautionem (Lk. 16, 6), Wrt. Voc. ii. 73, 63: 103, 29: 17, 55. Ðissa gewrita syndon þreó, Cht. Th. 541, 22. Mid gewritum testamento, Ors. 5, 13; S. 244, 23. Áht þæs þe on úrum gewritum stent anything in our (Athelstan's) regulations, Ll. Th. i. 236, 32: 240, 18. Wríte man manega gewrita be þissum, Ll. Th. i. 278, 8. (b) a list or catalogue:--Hæbbe se abbod gewrit (brevem) ealra þǽra ǽhta, R. Ben. 56, 7. (c) a letter:--Cartena, gewrita scedarum, An. Ox. 2308. Sigewulf hine befrán gelóme feorran mid gewritum be gehwylcum cnottum, Angl. vii. 2, 13. Þá gewritu and þá word þe se arceb mé fram þám pápan bróhte, Cht. E. 229, 23. (d) text of an agreement:--Þǽre siuoðlican dǽde þysses gemetes gewrit is cuius synodicae actionis huius-modi textus est, Bd. 4, 5; Sch. 373, 8. (3) of literary writing, a book, treatise:--Gewrites fa[s]ti, Wrt. Voc. ii. 88, 82: 37, 25. Þú bǽde mé oft Engliscra gewritena, Ælfc. T. Grn. 1, 16. Gewrita litterarum, An. Ox. 2008. Ic geseah mycel gedwyld on manegum Engliscum bócum þe ungelǽrede menn tó micclum wísdóme tealdan . . ., and mé ofhreów þæt hí næfdon þá godspellican láre on heora gewritum, Hml. Th. i. 2, 23. ¶ books dealing with a subject under notice:--Þæs ðe gewritu secgað, Chr. 973; P. 118, 19. Gif ǽnig mon sié þe on gewritun findan mæge þæt Ianas dura belocen wurde, Ors. 3, 5; S. 106, 8. (3 a) of the books of the Bible; as in holy writ. (α) of the canonical books, the Scriptures:--On hálgum gewrietum in sacra eloquio, Past. 385, 31. On gewritum (-wurittum, L.) in scribturis, Mt. 21, 42. Gé nyton þa hálgan gewritu (giwriotu, R., gewuritto, L.) non scientes scripturas, Mk. 12, 24. Ðá gewuriotto, Mt. L. 22, 29. Ðá gewriotu (gewriotto, L.), Lk. R. 24, 32. (β) of the Apocrypha:--Tweónendlicra gewrita Apocrifarum, An. Ox. 5103.

Palavras relacionadas: friþ-, frum-, geán- (gén-), rǽden-gewrit; dirn-gewritu. ge-writ
