Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-wunelic
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- ge-wunelic
- Add:--Gewunelic weorc consuetam opem, gewunelican consuetudinariis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 134, 5, 6. I. usual, of frequent occurrence:--Þá unlaga þe ǽr þisan wǽran tó gewunelice, Ll. Th. i. 312, 14. II. in accordance with practice. (1) of a person, habitual:--Þá trymede hé hine mid his þá gewunelican árfæstnysse, Hml. A. 157, 129. (2) of a class:--Hit is swíðe gewunelic ðætte dómeras and ríce menn on setelum sitten cathedra judicis esse vel praesidentis solet, Past. 435, 20. Hit wæs gewunelic on ðám tíman þaet ðá ðe woldon woruldwísdóm gecneordlíce leornian, þæt hí behwyrfdon heora áre on gymstánum, Hml. Th. i. 60, 26. (3) in accordance with a general practice:--Ond monnum bið ðonne gewunelic ðæt hí líðað ðonne on sǽs bryme, Shrn. 88, 1. Þæt sý undeóror geseald þonne hit woruldmannum gewunelic sý, R. Ben. 95, 17. III. in accordance with the natural order of things:--Hit nis náuht gecynde ne náuht gewunelic ꝥ ǽnig wiþerweard þing bión gemenged wiþ óðrum wiþerweardum oþþe ǽnige geférrædenne wið habban neque sibi solent adversa sociari, Bt. 16, 3; F. 54, 11. Hé gehylt þá gewunelican (-wun-, ) gód halígre drohtnunge, R. Ben. 32, 2. IV. ordinary, having the characteristics of the class to which a thing belongs, common:--Godes wolcn wæs fýren geðúht on nihtlicere tíde, and on gewunelices wolcnes híwe on dæge, Hml. Th. ii. 196, 8. Becómon ðicce ðeóstru ofer Egypta lande, swá þæt heora nán binnon ðrím dagum óðerne ne geseah, and on Israhéla ðeóde wǽron gewunelice dagas, 194, 6. V. customary, in accordance with fixed custom. Cf. ge-wuna; I. 4, 5:--Hit wæs þá gewunelic ꝥ man gesette on cranice ǽlc þǽra dǽda þe gedón wæs mid him, Hml. A. 95, 122. Twégen sealmas æfter gewunelicum þeáwe (secundum consuetudinem), R. Ben. 37, 11; more solita, 61, 4. Tó heora þám gewunelican þeówdóme ad solitum pensum, 76, 13. Mid gewunelican cantican cum canticis consuetudinariis, 44, 20. Hé wolde offrian æfter Móyses ǽ þá gewunelican lác, Hml. A. 58, 184. VI. accustomed to, in the habit of making use of:--Þá cwómon þǽr scorpiones swá hié ǽr gewunelice wǽron þæs wætersciepes scorpiones consuetam petentes aquationem, Nar. 13, 11. VII. to which one is accustomed. (1) habitually used, wonted:--Hié þá gewunelican fixas úp tugon and þá tǽron solitos pisces consumabant, Nar. 16, 19. (2) adapted to:--Ǽlc wyrt and ǽlc wudu wile weaxan on þǽm lande sélost ðe him betst geríst and him gecynde biþ and gewunelic (sibi convenientibus innasci locis), Bt. 34, 10; F. 148, 21. v. un-gewunelic. ge-wunelic