
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - gearcian

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:


p. ode; pp. od [gearo ready] To prepare, make ready, procure, furnish, supply; părāre, præpărāre, appărāre, exhĭbēre, præbēre :-- Ic gearcige exhĭbeo, præbeo, Ælfc. Gr. 26, 2; Som. 28, 35, 36 : 47; Som. 48, 43. On láfum ðínum ðú gearcast [MS. gearcost] andwlitan heora in relīquiis tuis præpărābis vultum eōrum, Ps. Spl. 20, 12. On him gearcode fæt deáþes in eo părāvit vāsa mortis, 7, 14 : Gen. 19, 3. [Piers P. yarken to make ready : R. Glouc. yarkede, p. prepared : Laym. ȝarkien, ȝarekien, ȝearkien to get ready : Orm. ȝarrkenn to prepare, make ready.] DER. ge-gearcian. gearcian