
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - gelíce

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

Add: I. in like manner, similarly:--Eft gelíce ibidentidem, Wrt. Voc. ii. 47, 50. (1) with dat. (a) of a noun, in the manner of, in the same way as, as in the case of:--Sóðfæste men sunnan gelíce in heora fæder ríce scínað (justi fulgebunt sicut sol in regno patris sui, Mt. 13, 43), Sat. 307: Ph. 601. Hié scínað englum gelíce, El. 1320. Heofon þú áðenedest hýde gelíce extendens coelum sicut pellem, Ps. Th. 103, 3; 101, 3. Kyningas beóð eallum mannum gelíce ácende, and óðrum mannum gelíce sweltað, Solil. H. 59, 21-23. Hé mæg streámas gefeterian, þæt þú mid fóte miht on treddian eorðan gelíce, Ps. Th. 65, 5. Seó sáwl færð hweóle gelícost, Met. 20, 217. (b) with pronoun (þám), like that, similarly:--Gelíc þon similiter, Mt. p. 17, 6: p. 20, 4. Gelíce þám Ænglisc sceal Wyliscan rihte wyrcean, Ll. Th. i. 356, 15. Genim ðás wyrte þe man rutam and þám gelíce (with nearly the same form) óðrum naman rúdan nemneþ, Lch. i. 198, 20: 234, 11. Genim þás wyrte þe man coliandrum and óþrum naman þám gelíce cellendre nemneð, 218, 16: 176, 18: 220, 9: 226, 20: 230, 3: 236, 11. (2) with swá:--Swá gelíce similiter, Ps. L. 67, 7. Hé ne dyde þæslíce lswá gelíce ǽlcere þeóde non fecit taliter omni nationi, 147, 20. Swá gelíce bið þám gódum and ðám yfelum, Bt. 36, 4; F. 178, 19: Chr. 1067; P. 202, 15. Swae gelíc similiter, Mt. p. 11, 1. Ꝥ mónan triów gelíce swá on niht dyde, Nar. 27, 18. II. in like degree, equally:--Gelíce pariter, Wrt. Voc. ii. 116, 49. (1) with adj. or adaura generali cunctos tabe confecit, Ors. 3, 3; S. 102, 9. (1 a) equally with another:--Gelíce aeque (ut collega edoctus), An. Ox. 2303. His sáwl bið gelíce (aeque) clǽne, ealsuá ꝥ cild bið, Ll. Th. ii. 178, 32. (2) with a verb:--Næs his hergiung on þá fremdan ána, ac hé gelíce slóg þá þe him wǽron mid farende nec minor ejus in suos crudelitas, quam in hostem rabies fuit, Ors. 3, 9; S. 130, 20. Þá folc feóllon on ǽgðere healfe gelíce pari pugna discessum est, 4, 10; S. 198, 5. Se deáð þone rícan gelíce and þone heánan forswelgþ, Bt. 19; F. 68, 33. Se Hálga Gást gǽð of ðám Fæder and of ðǽm Suna gelíce, Hml. Th. i. 280, 17: 406, 29. Þǽr gǽð gelíce bót tó eallum compensation is made to the same amount in all the cases, Ll. Th. i. 98, 16. Ealle cyrcan godcundlíce habban hálgunge gelíce, 340, 27. For hwám nǽron eorðwelan ealle gedǽled leódum gelíce?, Sal. 343. (2 a) with a dative:--Ne lufige ic nánwiht þisses andweardes lífes ofer þæt, ne forþum þám gelíce, Solil. H. 25, 18. III. with pronominal forms and clauses, equivalent to the later like as with the clauses introduced by these two words, in the same way as; in hypothetical clauses, just as if:--Wé gelíce sceolon leánum hleótan, swá wé weorcum hlódun, Cri. 783. Cnuca mid smerwe þám gelíce þe ðú clyþan wyrce, Lch. i. 108, 10: 144, 18. Hé dyde gelíce þon swylce hé slépe, Gr. D. 85, 7. Beóð þínes wífes welan gelíce swá on wíngearde weaxen berigean uxor tua sicut vitis abundans, Ps. Th. 127, 3. Hé spræc gelícost ðǽm ðe hit hwelchwugu syn wǽre, Past. 397, 28: Ors. 5, 1; S. 214, 4. Hé fór tó ánre byrg gelícost þǽm þe hé hié ábrecan þóhte, 5, 7; S. 230, 1: 6, 31; S. 286, 15: 6, 36; S. 294, 11. Wé synd þám gelícost gescapene on þissum worulde þe sum cyning háte sum forworht wíf on carcern dón . . ., Wlfst. 2, 18. Efne þǽm gelícost swylce . . ., Bl. H. 221, 14. III a. with ellipsis of verb in the clause:--Deáð hit lufade þǽr gelíce swilce lífes ingang mortem videlicet ut ingressum vitae amabat, Gr. D. 4, 27. Dropeteð blód swá þon gelícost þe tóbrocen fæt, Lch. ii. 230, 25. III b. gelíce and (with a clause), in the same way as:--Gelíce and mon mǽd máwe, hié wǽron þá burg hergende and sleánde, Ors. 2, 8; S. 92, 15. (v. and ; IV.) [O. Sax. gi-líko: O. H. Ger. ge-líhho.] v. on-, un-gelíce. gelice

Palavras relacionadas: (word or phrase):--Hí sindon ealle gelíce mihtige, Hml. Th. ii. 42, 25. Simle hé biþ gelíce manþwǽre, Bt. 42; F. 258, 9. Ǽgþres gelíce micel be gewihte, Lch. i. 208, 4: ii. 124, 17. Gelíce lang, iii. 258, 1. Hí syndon Gode gelíce leófe, Wlfst. 300, 5. Wintres and sumeres wuda bið gelíce blédum gehongen, Ph. 37. Náðer ne hí þeder gelíce eáðe cumað, ne hí þér gelíce eáðe ne beóð, Solil. H. 44, 11. Þes moncwealm wæs ofer ealle menn gelíce
