Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - geómor
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- geómor
- Add: I. of persons, feeling sad:--Hige geómor, swýðe mid sorgum gedréfed, Jud. 87. Him wæs geómor sefa, . . . hyge murnende, Cri. 499. Geómor sefa, murnende mód, B. 49. Geómor sefa, hyge gnornende, Gú. 1181. Sefa geómor, mód morgenseóc, Hy. 4, 94. Hé geómor wearð, sárig for his synnum, Dóm. 87. Ic þis giedd wrece bi mé ful geómorre, Kl. 1. I a. sad of soul, at heart:--Hé módes geómor meregrund gefeóll, B. 2100. I b. with cause of sadness given in gen. or inst.:--Geómor gúdǽda, Ph. 556. Reónigmóde . . . gehðum geómre, El. 322. II. expressing sadness, melancholy:--Hé ongann geómran stefne hearmleóð galan, An. 1128: Met. 1, 84. [Perhaps the passage under geómor-gid (geómor gid?) might be taken here.? III. having a cheerless sound or appearance:--Þeós geómre lyft triste coelum, Exod. 430. Geác monað geómran reorde, Seef. 53. IV. of a season in which sadness is experienced:--In þá geómran tíd (the last day), Ph. 517. geomor