
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - gīman

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Take here gȳman in Dict., and add: I. as to restore. (a) to cure. I">to treat so as not to injure">to take care of (gen.) (l) to treat so as not to injure :-- Hit is fūllic þingc . . . þæt hī ne gȳmad heora sylfra æt þām unþeáwe. . . , þæt hī ne gȳmad heora sylfra, swā hī beþorfton, ac befȳlad hī selfe, Wlfst. 305, 7-11. (2) to treat so as to restore. (a) to cure. I :-- Ðone blindo gēmed caecum curat, Mk. p. 3, 20 : Lk. p. 5, 10. From crypelnise gēmed l gehǣled, l. Gēmde unhǣlo, Mt. L. 9, 35. Gēmde l hǣlde hiá curUNCERTAINvit, 19, 2. Lēc- nade l gēmde, Mk. L. 1, 34. Gēmes curate, Mt. L. 10, 8. Gēmad, Lk. 10, l 9. Gēme l gelēcnia curare, Mt. L. 12, 10. (b) to correct :-- Wē gēmes l boetas corrigimus, Mt. p. 2, 2. Gēmendum correctis, 17, (c) to reprove, v. gīm-ness ; I. 2 :-- Gife synngiga in dec brōder, geong and gēm (corripe) hine; gif dec gehēres boetend dū bist brōderes dīnes, Mt. L. 18, 15. (3) to provide for the wants of a person :-- Sē de ne gīmd dāra de his beód dui suorum curam non habet; if any provide not for his own (1 Tim. 5, 8), Past. 139, l. (4) to see after the proper condition of things, attend to :-- Hē suīde wel giémed dāra ūterra dinga provide exteriora subministrat, Past. 141, 16. Gȳme hē ǣgder ge dæs sēlran ge þæs sǣmran, ꝥ nādor ne misfare, Angl. ix. 260, 9. Ðā hǣdengylclan dā de þæt templ and þǣra goda gȳmdon, ii. 482, 33. (4 a) with gen. and acc. :-- Hē gȳmd grǣdelīce his teolunge, his gafoles, his gebytlu, Hml. Th.i. 66, 10. (5) to take charge of, act as guardian or keeper, (a) the object a person :-- Him (John) befæste se Hǣlend his mōdor, þæt his clǣne līf dæs clǣnan mǣdenes gȳmde, Hml. Th. i. 58, 22. Ðæt hié tō slāwlīce dāra ne giémen de him befæste sién a commissorum custodia minime torpescant, Past. 191, 23. Se hierde bid īdel de scolde dǣre heorde giéman a gregis custodia vacat cura pastoris, 129, 13. Nis tō wēnanne þætte wolde God hiora gāsta mid him gȳman, Ps. Th. 77, 10. Biwoedded desponsata (in margin: Tō gēmanne nalles tō habbanne fore wīf), Mt. L. 1, 18. (a α) to have charge as ruler, to rule. v. gīmend ; I a. gīmen ; II :-- Hē gesette hig (sun and moon) þæt hig gīmdon þæs dæges and þǣre nihte posuit eas, ut praeessent diei ac nocti, Gen. l, 18. (b) the object a thing, to take charge or possession of:-- Ðonne him fordsīd gebyrige, gȳme his hlāford dæs hē lǣfe si mortem obeat, rehabeat dominus suus omnia, Ll. Th. i. 434, 27. (6) as to restore. (a) to cure. I">to treat so as not to injure">to take care that something is or is not done, (a) with positive clause :-- Gȳme swān ꝥ hē æfter sticunge his slyhtswȳn we] behweorfe, Ll. Th. i. 430, 15. Ðā de ofer ōdre biód giUNCERTAINmen hié geornlīce dætte . . . studeant quipraesunt, ut . . . . Past. 119, 13 : 403, 19. Him is tō giémenne dæt hē ætiéwe his hiére-monnum dæt hē sié hiera fæder on lāre curandum est, ut rectorem subditis patrem exhibeat disciplina, 123, 24. Giémanne, 455, 10. Is dǣm lǣce swīde geornlīce tō giémanne dæt hē . . . studet qui medetur, ut . . . , 28. (a α) with gen. pronoun and clause :-- Hē dæs giéme dæt hē lustas ātemige curet suggestiones edomare, Past. 383, 6. (b) with negative clause :-- Giémad dæt gē eówre ryhtwīsnesse ne dUNCERTAINn beforan monnum attendite, ne justitiam vestram faciatis coram hominibus, Past. 335, 21. Ðæt hié giémen . . . dætte of dǣm gōde ne weorde wyrse yfel ākenned ut sollicite aspiciant, ne . . . , 313, 18. Ðæt hié geornlīce giémen dæt hié eft dā synne ne gefremmen ut sollicite custodire studeant, ne . . . , 327, 13. Ufone sceal dæt heáfod gīman dæt dā fēt ne āslīden caput debet ex alto providere, ne pedes torpeant, 131, 25. (b α) with gen. pronoun and clause:-- Ealde witan þe þæt mynster geondgangen and þæs gȳman, þæt þǣr nān brōdor ymbe īdelnesse beó, R. Ben. 74, 15. II. to core for. (l) to have a liking or desire for. (a) the object a person :-- Wǣrleás mon and . . . ungetreów, þæs ne gȳmed God, Gn. Ex. 164. (b) the object a thing, (a) material :-- Eádige beód þā þe þissa eorþwelena ne gȳmaþ, Bl. H. 159, 30. Seolcenra hrægla hī ne gīmdon, Bt. 15 ; F. 48, ii. Gēm-don, Met. 8, 10. (β) non-material :-- Hē disses middangeardes orsorg-nesse ne gīmd prospera mundi postposuit, Past. 61, 8. Waa ieów welegum de iówer lufu is on eówrum wortildwelum, and ne giémad dæs ēcan gefeán, 181, 24. Hī gūde ne gȳmdon they had no stomach for the fight, By. 192. Þæt sēlre geceós, oferhȳda ne gȳm, B. 1760. Heó mē sagad, þæt heó mǣglufan mīnre ne gȳme, Jul. 70. (2) to take interest in, be noc-cerned about, be affected by a matter, (a) with gen. :-- God sylfa þonne ne gȳmeþ nǣnges mannes hreówe, Bl. H. 95, 29. Hē swelces lyt gȳmd, Met. Einl. 8. (b) with clause, to care whether, what, &c. :-- Sē de ne giémd hwæder hē dā sibbe healde qui servare pacem non curat, Past. 345, 12. Hié ne giémad tō hwon ōderra monna wīse weorde non aliorum lucra cogitant, 41, 24. Hē giémde hwæt hē hæfde monna gerīmes, and ne nōm nāne wære hūlīce hié wǣron, Ors. 5, 4; S. 224, 21. Ne hē ne giéme hwelce hylde hē mid dǣre ælmessan gewriexle. Past. 323, 17. Nē hī nā for þon ōþre men feormiad, ꝥ hī mycclum gȳman hwæþer heom ꝥ gōd sȳ ꝥ hī dōd, Gr. D. 76, 29. Hwȳ nelt þū gēman ꝥ mīn sweostor mē lǣt āne þegnian non est tibi curae quod soror mea reliquit me solam mini-strare? (Lk. 10, 40), Bl. H. 67, 30. (c) with gen. pron. and clause :-- Þonne þæs gīman nele Waldend, hū þā womsceaþan grēten, Cri. 1569. (3) to be anxious, troubled about :-- Ðæt hié tō georne ne giémen dissa eordlicena ymbhogena ut curare nimis terrena desuescant, Past. 431, 12. Ne gēmende gié sié saūles iúrres ne solliciti sitis animae vestrae, Mt. L. 6, 25, 28, 31. Nælled gē sié gēmende in merne. Morgen for don dæg gēmende (sollicitus) bid him seolfum, 34. (4) to pay attention to, heed advice, command, &c., keep a covenant, law, rule, act in accordance with, in obedience to. (a) with gen. :-- Gif se brimhengest brīdles ne gȳmed, Rūn. 21. Þā þe Godes willan wyrcad and wīsdōmes gȳmad þā hwīle þe hȳ libbad, Wlfst. 5, 6: Ll. Th. i. 334, 20. Hī þæs cynges worda ne gȳmdon, for dām his rīce ne wæs ofer hī, Bd. 2, 6 ; Sch. 134, 10. Hī wǣre ne gȳmdon, Exod. 140. Muneca gehwylc þe . . . regoles ne gȳme, Ll. Th. i. 306, 2. Gȳme hē his crīstendomes georne, 310, 4. Godes laga gȳman, 350, 10: 318, 20. (b) with acc. :-- Wē bebeódad ꝥte Godes þeówas hiora rihtregol gȳman and on riht healdan, Ll. Th. i. 102, 15. (c) absolute:-- Bisceopas sceolan bodian . . . gȳme sē þe wylle, Ll. Th. i. 374, 21. III. to observe, notice, consider, (a) with gen. :-- Ðā spone hē de his deáwa giémad spectatores suos ad sublimia invitet, Past. 83, 3. (b) with acc. :-- Hig āspyriaþ þæs solecismus un-þeúwas, . . . and eác hig prūtlīce gȳmad þæs miotacisnius gefleard, Angl. viii. 313, 25. (c) with clause:-- Ne furdum ne giémad hwæt hié dōn, odde hwonne hié hwæt dōn nequaquam, quae quando agant, inspiciuut. 287, 7. Ðū slāwa, gā dē tō ǣmetthylle, and giém hū hié dód (considera vias ejus), Past. 193, l. Ðæt hié geornlīce giémen (ut sollicite consi-derent) hwæder him dæt gedōht cume of fǣrlicum luste, de of gewilnunga, 417, 4, 32. Gīman hwæt se Waldend tō wrace gesette, Cri. 1600. (d) with gen. and clause :-- Ðæt hié ontȳnen hiera mōdes eágan and giémen dissa eorðlicena gesceafta (mentis oculos ad consideranda ea, quae in infimis versantur, aperiant) hū dā fuglas . . . gesibsumlīce farad, Past. 349, 20. v. ā-, be-, mis-gīman ; un-gīmende. giman

Palavras relacionadas: gīm-ness;
