Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - gīme-leás
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- gīme-leás
- adj. I. that does not take care or trouble, careless, negligent :-- Wē wēnad ꝥ mænige gīmeleúse menn ne rēccean hū heora yrfe fare, Ll. Th. i. 238, 5. Ūtādrǣfdum gȳmeleásra preósta fȳlþum ejectis negle-gentium clericorum spurcitiis, Angl. xiii. 366, 16. I a. negligent in spiritual matters, in discharge of duty, &c. -- Gif hwylc brōdor beó gemēt swā gȳmeleás (-lēs, , gīmeleás neglegens, R. Ben. I. 83, 16), þæt hē nelle hālige bēc smeágan, R. Ben. 75, 3. Crīst sylfa cwæþ ꝥ hē nelle gehȳran þæs gīmeleásan mannes gebedrǣdene, Bl. H. 57, 4. Ðǣm unbealdum is tō cȳdanne hū giémeleáse hié biód donne hié hié selfe to suīde forsiód inconstantibus intimandum est, quod valde se despicientes negligunt, Past. 305, 16. Þā hālgan weras . . . heora gemynd þurhwunad . . . þā gīmeleásan men þe heora līf ādrugon on ealre īdelnisse, heora gemynd is forgiten, Ælfc. T. Grn. I. 12. Sume ic funde būtan Godes tācne gȳmeleúse ungebletsade, Jul. 491. Seó gehȳrnes ne bid nyt on þǣm un-gelȳfdum monnum and on þǣm gȳmeleásum, Bl. H. 55, 32. Yfellibbendum and gīmeleásum (neglegentibus), R. Ben. I. 118, 10. ¶ with gen., careless of :-- Swā bid dæt mōd slǣpende gewundad swā hit ne gefrēt, donne hit bid tō gīmeleás his āgenra þearfa mens a cura suae sollicitudinis verberatur et non dolet, Past. 431, 19. II. that is not cared for, that is not guarded. (l) of a person, without protection :-- Hī cwedad, wuton cunnian hwænne bine God lēte swā swā gȳmeleásne dicentes, Deus dereliqnit eum, Ps. Th. 70, 10. (2) of cattle, stray, untended, un-watched :-- Gif þē hecuje ōdres giémeleás fioh on hand si occurreris bovi inimici tui aut asino erranti (Ex. 23, 4), Ll. Th. i. 54, 9. Wē nellen nān gȳmeleás yrfe forgyldan nolumus aliqnod pecus incnstoditum et per inobseruantiam perditum reddere, 238, 10. III. incurable. Cf. gīman ; I. 2 a :-- Gēme[me]leáse incurabiles, Mt. p. 18, 5. gime-leas