Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - gīmeleáslīce
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- gīmeleáslīce
- ad gēmeleáslīce in Dict., and add: I. carelessly, without taking pains, negligently :-- Gif heora hwylc fūllīce odþe gȳmeleáslīce mynstres þing behwyrfe si quis sordide aut neglegenter res monasterii tractaverit, R. Ben. 56, 11. Ðāra stōwa sum raþe rotaþ gif hire mon gīmeleáslīce tilad. Lch. ii. 84, 25. Þā wēnde hē ꝥ hē þā leóhtfatu gȳmeleáslīcor bētte þonne hē sceolde lampades negligenter exstinxisse se credidit, Gr. D. 237, l. II. without care for good :-- Ūs þe yfele and gȳmeleáslīce mid unrihte libbad nobis male viventibus atque negle-gentibus, R. Ben. 133, 12. III. without notice or observation :-- Suā giémeleáslīce oft sceacad ūre gedōhtas from ūs, .dæt wē his furdum ne gefrēdad cogitationes ex sensu negligenti quasi nobis non sentientibus procedunt, Past. 139, 19. IV. without care being taken. Cf. gīme-leás ; II :-- Þæt þā hālgan mynstru tōrorene . . . gȳmeleáslīce ǣttredon quod sacra coenobia diruta . . . neglegenter tabescerent, Angl. xiii. 366, 13. gimeleaslice