
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - god-spell

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Add: I. the body of doctrine taught by Christ and his apostles :-- Þis godspel byð bodod ofer ealle eorðan praedicabitur hoc evangelium regni in universo orbe, Mt. 24, 14: 26, 13. On ealle þeóda ǽrest gebyrað beón ꝥ godspel gebodud, Mk. 13, 10. Þá apostolas wǽron gefylde þurh godspelles láre, Bl. H. 133, 32. Cóm se Hǽlend Godes ríces godspell bodigende and cweðende: ... 'Gelýfaþ þám godspelle,' Mk. 1, 14-15. Þonne gé faran godspel tó lǽrenne, Bl. H. 233, 17. I a. Latin) text of a gospel">the Mosaic)">the Christian dispensation (in contrast with the Mosaic) :-- Sé þe Godes beboda forsyhð nú on þæs godspelles tíman, Hml. S. 18, 477. Ꝥ is nú mánfullic ... on þám crístendóme þe Críst ástealde, on þæs godspelles tíman nú under Godes gyfe, Hml. A. 16, 75. II. the record of Christ's life and teaching. (1) contained in the books written by the four evangelists :-- Drihten selfa swá on his godspelle be him (John the Baptist) cwæþ, Bl. H. 165, 2: 213, 21. On þǽm godspelle cwið ꝥ ..., 133, 36. (1 a) one of the books written by the four evangelists :-- Ióhannes ús cýðde on þǽm godspelle and þus cwæþ: 'Hǽlend cwóm ...,' Bl. H. 67, 23. Se godspellere (St. Luke) on fruman his godspell wrát and cwæð: 'On Hérodes dagum ...,' 161, 25. Ðá godspella ðerh Matheum ... ðerh Marcun, Lk. p. 2, 5. Án fore feówer godspellum, Mt. p. 10, 14. Ðás féwera godspelles, p. 9, 8. (1 b) a particular copy of the gospels :-- Ðerh syndriga stówa godspella tal gesegen bið tógeseted, Mt. p. 11, 11. Foregesettum þám swíþe hálgum godspellum, Bd. 4, 17; Sch. 431, 14. ¶ referred to in case of solemn appeal :-- Ic eów hálsie ... þurh þá hálgan godspel and ðá reliquias þe on ðisse cyrcan syndon, Ll. Lbmn. 415, 5. (1 c) the (Latin) text of a gospel :-- Ic cweðe nú þæt ic nǽfre heononforð ne áwende godspel of Lédene on Englisc, Hml. Th. ii. 594, 19. (2) contained in books written by others :-- Monige werun ðá ðe godspellas (evangelia) áwritton, Mt. p. 7, 1. III. the gospel, as used in the services of the church :-- Wé gehýrdon þá þæt hálige godspel rǽdd wæs, Bl. H. 161, 9. Þéh hé gehýre þá word þæs hálgan godspelles, 55, 7. Þonne wé gehýron Godes béc rǽdan and godspell secggean, 111, 17: 47, 31. Acolitus candele byrð þonne mann godspell rǽt ... Diaconus godspell rǽt æt Godes þénungum, Ll. Th. ii. 348, 4-14: Vis. Lfc. 13. III a. where the special portion of the gospel is specified, the gospel of the day :-- Ðys godspel sceal on cylda-mæssedæg, Mt. 2, 18 rbc (and often): Hml. Th. i. 84, 26. Þis dægðerlice godspel, 220, 25. On þyssum godspelle, Bl. H. 39, 14. Lucas sǽde ... wé nú gehýrdon þis hálige godspel beforan ús rǽdan, 15, 3-30. Gregorius trahtnode þis godspel (the parable of the talents), Hml. Th. ii. 550, 1. god-spell