
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - gold

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

Add: I. gold in the ground :-- Se forma gítsere þe ǽrest þá eorþan ongan delfan æfter golde, Bt. 15; F. 48, 23. II. gold as a form of wealth :-- Hwǽr cóm ꝥ unmǽte gestreón goldes and seolfres, Bl. H. 99, 28. Wénst þú þæt wé þínes hláfordes gold oþþe his seolfor stǽlon?, Gen. 44, 8. III. gold used as an ornament. (1) for personal ornament (dress, jewellery, &c.) :-- Cume manna gehwilc tó circan búton golde and glæncgum, Wlfst. 181, 2. Godweb mid golde gefágod, Bl. H. 113, 20. Golde fǽted sweord, Ll. Th. i. 188, 8. Mid golde gesiwud bend nimbus, Wrt. Voc. i. 40, 47. Golde siowode segmentata (veste), ii. 95, 49. Nymað eall eówer gold (cf. gyldene eárhringas, 4), Ex. 32, 24. (2) used to ornament objects :-- Seó cirice nalles on goldes wlite ne scíneþ, Bl. H. 197, 8. Fæt mid golde gefrætwod, 127, 7. Hé hit (the binding of the boot) gehrínade mið golde and mið gimmum, Jn. p. 188, 5. (2 a) used in writing :-- Bóca mid golde áwritenra, Bt. 5, 1; F. 10, 18. IV. gold as material :-- Nam hé þæt gold and gét án celf, Ex. 32, 4. V. gold used in payment :-- Stent ðám bisceope eahta marca goldes; and gif hig hám cuman gylde ðám bisceope his gold, and gif heora náðer ne cymð, dó se bisceop for heora sáule swá mycel swá ðæt land is betere ðene ðæt gold sý, C. D. i

Palavras relacionadas: 288, 8-12. Mid þridde healf hund mancusan goldes be gewihte, iii. 361, 24. Tó .viii. healfmarcum ásodenes goldes, Ll. Th. i. 154, 2. Twá and twéntig þúsend punda goldes and seolfres mon gesealde þám here wid friðe, 288, 12. Hí mid nánum þingum ne gebicge, ne mid golde ne mid seolfre, 380, 12. gold
