Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - gréting
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- gréting
- f. A greeting, salutation, present in acknowledgment of a favour done; salutatio :-- Hwæt seó gréting wǽre qualis esset ista salutatio, Lk. Bos. 1, 29. Ðínre grétinge stefn vox salutations tuæ, 1, 44. Lufiaþ grétinga on strǽtum diligitis salutationes in foro, 11, 43. Pápa sende Eádwine grétinge the pope sent to Edwin greeting, Bd. 2, 10; S. 512, 20. Sendaþ mín heáfod án to grétinge and bringaþ mínre méder ðæt heó ðæt cysse send my head only in greeting and bring it to my mother that she may kiss it, Shrn. 139, 28. Ðá brohte seó sce damiane medmicle grétinge gewritu secgaþ ðæt ðæt wǽre þreó ægero then she brought St. Damian a slight acknowledgment; books say that it was three eggs, 135, 17, 23. greting