
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - hærfest

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

Add: I. autumn, the third ofthe four seasons. [It began on August 7 and November 6 was its last day :-- Þæs (after Lammas day) hærfest cymð ymb seofon niht bútan ánre wonan . . . Syþþan (after All Saints' day) wintres dæg on syx nihtum genimð hærfest mid herige six days after Lammas autumn comes . . . six days after All . Saints' day winter time captures autumn, Men. 140-204] :-- Tó hærfestes emnihte, Chr. 1048; P. 174, 21. On hærfeste gefór se here on Miercna lond, 877 ; P. 74, 21, Ætforan hærfeste forbarn ꝥ hálige mynster sce Paule, 1086 ; P. 218, 22. Wé weorðiaí heáhengles tiid on hærfeste, Michaheles, Men. 177. Ðis wæs on hærfest, Chr. 918 ; P. 100, 2. Hé saet on þám biscopríce ealne þone sumor and þone hærfest, 1048 ; P. 172, 14. Herfest, 1006; P. 136, 16. I a. as the season for the ripening and gathering of fruits :-- Hærfest byð hréðeádegost, hæleðum bringeð géres westmas, Gn. C. 8. Swá nú lencten and hærfest, on lencten hit gréwð, and on hærfest hit fealwað, Bt. 21 ; F. 74, 22. Se wæstmbǽra hærfest bryngþ rípa bléda, 39, 13 ; F. 234, 15. Hærfest cymð, wlitig wæstmum hladen, Men. 140. Me mæcg on hærfeste rípan, in Agusto and Septembri and Octobri. . . fela tilða hám gæderian . . . ǽr tó túne tó slid winter cume, Angl. ix. 261, 14-20. II. the part of Autumn in which the fruits of the earth are gathered in, harvest, autumnus cymð tó mancynne binnan seofon nihta fyrste, Angl. viii. 311, 18. On hærfeste wícode se cyng on neáweste þáre byrig, þá hwíle þe hié hira corn gerypon, Chr. 896; P. 89, 8. Mon eorðan wæstmas on hærfeste hám gelǽdeð . . . on rypes tíman, Ph. 244. II a. rendered in late Latin versions by Augustus (cf. Augustus messis, messis tempus, Migne) :-- On hærfeste (in Augusta), ðá fullan wican ǽr Sca Marian mæssan (Sept. 8), Ll. Th. i. 92, 6. Berebryttan gebyreð corngebrot on hærfæste (in Augusta), 440, 2. iii dagas ǽlcre wucan on hærfest (in Augusta), 432, 32 : 434, 7. ¶ in a late MS. it is used as the name of the month, August :-- On Iuli mónðe. . . On hærfest. . . On Setembre, Angl. . . . 185, 10. hærfest

Palavras relacionadas: hærfestlic; II. , hærfest-mónaþ, hærfest-tíd ; II :-- Agusius síhð tó mannum mid genihtsumum hærfeste and
