Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - hætera
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- hætera
- pl. Garments :-- Hé hæfde ne hǽlþe ne hætera he had neither health nor garments, Homl. Th. i. 330, 14. Se hund tótær his hæteru sticmǽlnm of his bæce the dog tore his garments to pieces off his back, 374, 8. Sume hí cuwon heora hætera some of them chewed their garments, 404, 5. Gá hé út mid his hætron swyclon hé in com let him go out with his garments such as he came in with, Ex. 21, 4. [Laym. alle his hateren weoren totoren : A. R. hateren; dat. pl : Piers P. I have but one hatere : Prompt. Parv. hatyr, rent clothe scrutum, pannucia : O. H. Ger. hadarun; dat. pl. pannis, mastrugis : Ger. hader rag, clout.] hætera