Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - hé
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- hé
- m: heó; f: hit; n. He, she, it :-- Ðá hé gefór ðá féng his sunu tó ðam ríce when he died his son came to the throne, Chr. Erl. 2, 11. Him sprecendum hig cómon eo loquente veniunt, Mk. Skt. 5, 35. Hé hine miclum gewundode he wounded him severely, Chr. 755; Erl. 48, 34. Hé hiene him tó biscepsuna nam he was godfather to him, 853; Erl. 68, 14. Hé hire hand nam and heó sóna árás he took her hand and she at once arose, Mk. Skt. 5, 41-2. Hé him þearle bebeád ðæt hí hyt nánum men ne sǽdon and hé hét hire etan syllan præcepit illis vehementer ut nemo id sciret et dixit dari illi manducare, 43. Ðá cuǽdon hie ðæt him nǽnig mæg leófra nǽre ðonne hiera hláford and hie nǽfre his banan folgian noldon then said they that no kinsman was dearer to them than their lord, and they would never follow his murderer, Chr. 755; Erl. 50, 18-20. Ealle ðíne gebróðru beóþ under his þeówdóme all thy brethren shall be servants to him, Gen. 27, 37. Tó tácne ðæt hé his gewald áhte as a sign that he had had power over him, Past. 28; Swt. 197, 22. Ða hǽðenan hæfdon heora geweald the heathen had power over them, Jud. pref. l. 8. Gedrinc his þreó full fulle drink of it three cups full, Herb. 1, 9; Lchdm. i. 74, 1. Hæbbe ic his on handa I have some of it in my hand, Cd. 32; Th. 42, 23; Gen. 678. Eorðe and ealle hire gefyllednys and eal ymbhwyrft and ða ðe on ðam wuniaþ ealle hit syndon Godes ǽhta earth and all its fulness, and all the globe and those who dwell on it, all are God's possessions, Homl. Th. i. 172, 10. Etaþ ðísne hláf hit is mín líchama eat this bread, it is my body, Homl. Th. ii. 266, 33. Ic hyt eom ego sum, Mt. Kmbl. 14, 27: 28. Hit ys áwriten, Ne leofaþ se man be hláfe ánum scribtum est: Non in pane solo vivit homo, 4, 4. Ðá rínde hit then it rained, 7, 27. Hit ǽfenlǽcþ advesperascit, Lk. Skt. 24, 29. Hit gelamp it happened, Homl. Th. i. 70, 23. Hit wæs winter hiemps erat, Jn. Skt. 10, 22. Hit lícode Herode it pleased Herod, Mt. Kmbl. 14, 6. Ðonne hit tócymþ ðæt hie hit sprecan sculon when the time comes that they ought to speak, Past. 46; Swt. 355, 10. Hit neálǽcþ ðam ende; and ðý hit is on worulde á swá leng swa wyrse, and swá hit sceal nýde for folces synnum fram dæge tó dæge ǽr Antecristes tócyme yfelian swíðe; and húru hit wyrþ ðonne egeslíc it is drawing near the end; and therefore the longer it goes on the worse it is in the world, and so for the people's sins it needs must get very bad from day to day before Antichrist's coming; and especially then it will be awful, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 104, 1-5. Hwæt mágon wé his nú dón what can we do now in the matter; quid ergo faciemus, Past. 58; Swt. 443, 14. Sume hit ne gedýgdan mid ðam lífe some did not come out of it with life, Chr. 978; Erl. 127, 12. Se arcebiscop áxode hýrsumnesse mid áþswerunge at him and hé hit forsóc the archbishop required obedience with an oath of him, and he refused it, 1070; Erl. 208, 16: 1039; Erl. 167, 19. Hí námon hit ðá on twá healfe Temese tó scipan weard they took their way on both sides the Thames towards the ships, 1009; Erl. 143, 11. Hú mæg ic hit on ðrím dagum gefaran? ac má wén is ðæt ðú onsende ðínne engel, se hit mæg hrædlícor gefaran ... ic hit ne mæg hrædlíce gefaran how can I do it in three days? it is better to send thy angel who can do it more quickly ... I cannot do it quickly, St. And. 4, 29-6, 2. Godes bearn námon him wíf the sons of God took them wives, Gen. 6, 2. Hie woldon ða men him tó mete dón they wanted to make the men food for themselves, St. And. 4, 18. Sý ðæt ylfa ðe him síe be the elf what it may, L. M. 2, 65; Lchdm. ii. 290, 29. Beó him æt hám let him be at home, Deut. 24, 5: Chr. 1009; Erl. 143, 14. Abraham stód him under ðam treówe Abraham stood under the tree, Gen. 18, 8. Heó sæt hire feorran she sat her down a good way off, 21, 16. Hí eodon heom they went, Chr. 1006; Erl. 140, 17: 21. Hí fleóþ him floccmǽlum they fly in flocks, Homl. Th. i. 142, 9. Ondréd hé him timuit, Jn. Skt. 19, 8. Hæbbe hire ðæt heó hafaþ let her have what she has, Gen. 38, 23. Eác him wolde Eádríc his ealdre gelǽstan Eadric for his part would follow his chief, Byrht. Th. 132, 4; By. 11. Ðá bealh hé hine indignatus est, Lk. Skt. 15, 28. Ðá beþohte hé hine then he bethought himself, 17. Reste ðæt folc hit on ðam seofoþan dæge let the people rest on the seventh day, Ex. 16, 30. Hie æt Tharse ðære byrig hie gemétton they met one another at the city of Tarsus, Ors. 3, 9; Swt. 128, 2. Se eádiga Mathéus and se háliga Andreas hie wǽron cyssende him betweónon the blessed Matthew and the holy Andrew kissed one another, St. And. 12, 19. Hí betwux him cwǽdon inter se dicentes, Mk. Skt. 1, 27. Hig grétton hig gesybsumum wordum they greeted each other with words of peace, Ex. 18, 7. Hí ðá hí gecyston then they kissed each other, Shrn. 89, 12. Hí micclum ege him ondrédon and cwǽdon ǽlc tó óðrum timuerunt magno timore et dicebant ad alterutrum, Mk. Skt. 4, 41: Bt. Met. Fox 25, 21; Met. 25, 11. Sume hí cómon feorran quidam ex eis de longe venerunt, Mk. 8, 3. Nú sceal hé sylf faran now must he himself come, Cd. 27; Th. 35, 18; Gen. 556. Hire selfre suna her own sons, Beo. Th. 2234; B. 1115. Pilatus hymsylf áwrát ealle ða þyng Pilate himself wrote all the things, Nicod. 34; Thw. 19, 33. On himselfum in semetipso, Past. 16, 2; Swt. 101, 1. Hú ne becýpaþ hig twegen spearwan tó peninge are not two sparrows sold for a penny, Mt. Kmbl. 10, 29: 5, 11. Hé dyde ðæt hí twelfe mid him wǽron fecit ut essent duodecim cum illo, Mk. Skt. 3, 14. Hí ealle þrý tógædere grétton ðone cyngc all three of them together saluted the king, Th. Ap. 19, 22: Homl. Th. ii. 384, 4. Gewiton hie feówer they four departed, Cd. 92; Th. 118, 12; Gen. 1964: 191; Th. 238, 28; Dan. 361. Heora begra ǽhte the property of both of them, 90; Th. 113, 27; Gen. 1893. Him bám on breóstum in the breasts of them both, 10; Th. 12, 25; Gen. 190. Him eallum to them all, 156; Th. 194, 16; Exod. 261. Him twám hé wæs ætýwed duobus ex eis ostensus est, Mk. Skt. 16, 12. Hé Ninus Soroastrem Bactriana cyning se cúðe manna ǽrest drýcræftas hé hine oferwann and ofslóh [Ninus] Zoroastrem Bactrianorum regem, eundemque magicæ artis repertorem, pugna oppressum interfecit, Ors. 1, 2; Swt. 30, 10: St. And. 4, 3, 6. Wæs hé se man in weoruldháde geseted in habitu sæculari constitutus, Bd. 4, 24; S. 597, 3. Europa hió onginþ Europa incipit, Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 8, 14. Ða ðe his líf ðæs eádigan weres cúðon those who were acquainted with the life of the blessed man, Guthl. prol: Gdwin. 4, 26. Wé gesáwon Enac his cynryn we saw the children of Anak, Num. 13, 29, 33: Deut. 1, 28. Nilus seó eá hire ǽwielme the source of the river Nile, Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 12, 19. Affrica and Asia hiera landgemircu onginnaþ of Alexandria the boundaries of Africa and Asia begin from Alexandria, 8, 28. Ðæt se hiera folgoþ hine ne óðhebbe istos ne locus superior extollat, Past. 28; Swt. 189, 17. Ða ðe hiera mildheortlíce sellaþ qui sua misericorditer tribuunt, 44; Swt. 319, 16. Wé his syndon we are his, Ps. Th. 99, 2. Hyra ys heofonan ríce ipsorum est regnum cælorum, Mt. Kmbl. 5, 10. Hé biþ unscildig ðe hine slóh then shall he that smote him be quit, Ex. 21, 19. Dóþ síðfæt ðæs séftne and rihtne ðe hé sylfa ástáh ofer sunnan up iter facite ei, qui ascendit super occasum, Ps. Th. 67, 4. Se wer ðe his tóhopa byþ tó swylcum Drihtne vir cujus nomen Domini spes ejus, 39, 4: Elen. Kmbl. 324; El. 162. Mid mínum bróðer steffane ðe fiola góddra ðǽda siond be him áwritene with my brother Stephen about whom many good deeds are written, H. R. 13, 12: Ps. Th. 145, 4. Ðám wítgum ðe god self þurht hí spec the prophets by whom God himself spoke, Shrn. 107, 11. Ǽlc nýten biþ oððe hé oððe heó every animal is either male or female, Ælfc. Gr. 6; Som. 5, 35, 46. Woepen mon l hee and hiuu l wífmon masculum et feminam, Mk. Skt. Lind. 10, 6. Hé l woepenmon masculinum, Lk. Skt. Lind. 2, 23. [In later English the Northern dialect is first found adopting the forms whichin Modern English have replaced the oldest, and the innovation gradually spread. Thus while the Northumbrian Metrical Psalter (before 1300) has þai, þair, þam in the plural, the declension in Piers P. is hij and þei, here, hem: and these forms with the exception of hij, are used by Wicklif and Chaucer. So with she for heó, which is still preserved in the Lancashire hoo. Amongst the cognate dialects the O. Frs. is that which agrees best with English.