
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - healfunga

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

Add: I. from the side, indirectly : -- Hit is nyttre ðæt ðæt him mon on tǽlan wille, ðæt hit mon healfunga sprece, swelce hit mon hwón gehríne major profectus adducitur, si hoc, quod in eis reprehenditur, quasi ex latere tangatur, Past. 207, 7. Ðæt wé him sume opene scylde healfunga oðwiéten, ðæt hié for ðǽm scamige si culpae manifestioris UNCERTAIN ex latere requisitae improperio confunduntur, 209, 22. II. slightly, to some extent, half :-- Geseah hé hwǽr þá weorcstánas lágon ofer eall þǽr onbútan, and hé healfunga þæs wundrode, þeáh ná swíðe embe ꝥ ne smeáde, Hml. S. 23, 491. [N. E. D. halfing.] Cf. eallunga. healfunga