
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - heofone

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

Add: I. the overarching vault of sky :-- Ic gedó þæt eów bið ǽgðer heard ge heofene ge eorðe dabo vobis coelum desuper sicut ferrum et terram aeneam, Lev. 26, 19. Sí þé heofene swilce ór and eorðe swilce ísen, Deut. 28, 23. Under þǽre heofenan fæstnisse, Gen. I. 20. Geseah hé standan áne hlǽdre fram eorðan tó heofenan, 28, 12. God hét þá fæstnisse heofenan, I. 8. On ðám óðrum dæge gesceóp God heofenan, seó ðe is geháten firmamentum, Lch. iii. 232, 13. Hé getimbrode ðá heálican heofenan, Hml. Th. ii. 586, 29. I a. as the expanse in which the stars are fixed :-- Seó heofene andealla tungla heore rina behealdað, Solil. H. 9, 14. Hí (the planets) ne synd ná fæste on þǽre rodorlican heofonan swá swá óðre tunglan, Angl. vii. 14, 121. II. the region of the atmosphere in which clouds float, moisture is stored, birds fly, & c. :-- Eal woruld winneð ongeán þá oferhogan . . . Seó heofone ús winð wið þonne heó ús sendeð styrnlice stormas, Wlfst. 92, 16. Þǽre heofenan wæterþeótan wǽron geopenode, Gen. 7, II : 8, 2. Hwí is ꝥ tácn (the rainbow) on þǽre lyftenan (-ran, MS.) heofonan (cf. arcum meum ponam in nubibus et erit signum, Gen. 9, 13) gesewen ?, Angl. vii. 38, 357. III. the region beyond the visible sky (the combination heaven and earth denotes the universe) :-- In þám dæge heofene and eorðe cwaciað. Wlfst. 182, 9. Nán man Godes mihte ne forflíhð on nánum heolstrum heofenan oððe eorðan oþþe sǽ ðriddan (nec judicium superni Gubernatoris uspiam effugere queo, Vit. Cuth. c. 24), Hml. Th. ii. 146, 31. On anginne gesceóp God heofenan and eorðan, Gen. l, l. IV. the celestial abode of immortal beings :-- Swá micel is betwux gódum mannum and yfelum, swá micel swá bið betwux heofenan and eorðan, Hml. Th. i. 262, 20. Ic geseah englas ferigan gesǽlige sáwle tó heálicre heofenan, ii. 150, 27. Godes ríce on rodorlicere heofonan, 330, 27. IV a. one of the seven heavens recognized by the Jews :-- Hé becóm tó ðǽre ðriddan heofonan, Hml. Th. ii. 3. 52, 10. Þá óðre heofenan synd ungesewenlice and mannum unásmeágendlice. Synd swá þeáh má heofenan swá swá se wítega cwæð, 'Coeli coelorum', ꝥ is heofena heofenan. Eác se apostol Paulus áwrát ꝥ hé wæs gelǽdd oð ðá þriddan heofenan, Lch. iii. 232, 21-26: Angl. viii. 310, 2 : Ps. L. 148, 4. V. used in forms of asseveration or in oaths :-- Sé ðe swereð on heofonan, hé swereð on Godes þrymsetle, Mt. 23, 22. See heofon. heofone