Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - here-geatu
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- here-geatu
- Add: [The word occurs very rarely in the singular; indeed be hergeate, Ll. Th. i. 412, 26, seems the only instance that number. Plural forms are n. ac. -geatwei,(-a), -geata(-u, -e); dat -geat-wum, -geatum.] I :-- Eahta hund eóredmanna ealle mid beregeatwum gegerede, Nar. 4, 13. Twégen englas gesceldode and gesperode and mid heregeatwum (heora geatwum, Bl. N. 24), Bl. H. 221, 28. II :-- Beón þá heregea a (-e. v.l.) swá hit mǽðlic sý, Ll. Th. i. 414, 4: 15. Beón þá heregeata forgvfene, 420, 16. Hé becwæð ðæt man . . . tilode tó his hergeatwæn ðæs ðe man habban sceolde, C. D. iii. 352, 16 Man selle mínum hláforde ðæt gold tó mínum heregeatum, iv. 300, 20. Ðám cinge mínne hæregeatwa, v. 333, 10. His láf his hergeatu ðám cincge bróhte, iii. 315, 8. Heregete, iv. 292, 5. Ne teó se hláford ná máre bútan his rihtan heregeate (-a, v. l.], Ll. Th. i. 412, 30. Gelǽste ǽlc wuduwe þá heregeata (-u, v. l. ) binnan twelf mónðum, 416, 16. ¶ For instances of heriots see C. D. ii. 380, 27: iii. 127 22 : 304, 30: 360, 19: iv. 299, 19 (of a woman) : vi. 147, 5 : Cht. Th. 573, 3 : 292, 5 (of a bishop] : Cht. Crw. 23, 5. . See Ll. Lbmn. ii. 500. here-geatu