
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - herung

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

Add: I. praise, approbation :-- Mon sceal ðone ingong ðǽre tǽlinge wið heringe gemengan, ðætte hié for ðǽre lícunga ðǽre heringe . . . eác geðafigen ðá tǽlinge ipsa invectionis exordia permixta sunt laude temperanda, ut dum admittunt favores etiam correptiones recipiant, Past. 303, 17-20. Ongin nú stranglíce, and þín gemynd stent on neorungc, Hml. S. 29, 272. Herunge favorem (nisi Deorum favorem repropitiarent. Ald. 67, 13), An. Ox. 4723. Herunga opinionum (oujus vitam tantis opinionum rumusculis extollit. Aid. 33, 29), 2424: preconiorum, 4950. Benedictus gewilnode má ꝥ hé þrowode þysses middan-eardes yfel þonne þá herunga (laudes), and ꝥ hé wǽre for Gode swýðe mid gewinnum geswænced þonne hé wǽre úp áhafen on þám herungum (favoribus) þisses andweardan lífes, Gr. D. 98, 9-12. Lofu, herunga preconia, fauores, An. Ox. 3982. Heruncga preconia, i. laudes, 64. II. praise, extolling of the Deity :-- Sé þe . . . his Drihten, þe is ealra gereorda gifend mid herincge ne ðancað, R. Ben. 69, Dionisius þancode his Drihtne mid herunge, Hml. S. 29, 286 Heofon mid herungum (laudibus) swgéþ, Hy. S. 84, 30. II a. praise in song :-- Mid swiþ wégum dreámes (l) herunge sangum dulcisonis melodie concentibus, An. Ox. 402. II b. a service of praise, lauds :-- Begém herunga lofsangas þe we hlyniende syngað attende laudum cantica que excubantes psallimus, Hy. S. 26, 6.

Palavras relacionadas: lof-, samod-herung. herung
