Híd, hígid

Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - híd, hígid

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

híd, hígid
Add: [A neuter form, híde, seems to occur once certainly :-- Ic sello Berhtsige án híde bóclondes, C. D. ii. 121, 4, and to such a form might belong the following genitives :-- Ánes hídes, 120, 33. Ánes hídes lond, C. D. B. ii. 268, 9. The nominatives híde, gyrde in, Þ UNCERTAIN næs án ǽlpig híde ne án gyrde landes,' Chr. 1085 ; P. 216, 27, are perhaps really incorrect late forms] I. a portion of land :-- Híd cassatum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 129, 21. Ðis syndon ðǽre halfre híde landgemǽru, C. D. iii. 52, 7. Þára fíf and twéntig hígda, C. D. B. ii. 142, l. Myrcna landes is þrittig þúsend hýda, i. 414, 15 (and often). Hú fela hundred hýda wǽron innon þǽre scíre, Chr. 1085 ; P. 216, 18. Ic sello ii hída on Hwátedúne, C. D. ii. 120, 33. ¶ the construction is twofold, (1) a (so many) hide(s) of land :-- Næs án híd landes innon Englælande ꝥ hé nyste hwá heó hæfde, Chr. 1086; P. 220, 20. Tén hída ðæs londes, C. D. i. 315, 30. iii. hída bóclondes, ii. 120, 32. (2) land of so many hides :-- Ic sylle Wulfsige ánes hídes lond on Eást-túne, C. D. B. ii. 268, 9. Mid ðý tén hida londe aet felda . . . end ðaet tén hída lond æt crogleáge, C. D. i. 315, 23-25: 33: ii. 100, 9-24. Ic sile Forðréde nigen hígida lond . . . tú higida lond, 5, 24-30. I a. where assessment is made according to the number of hides :-- Sé þe hæbbe þreó hída tǽcne óðres healfes nýdes gesettes. Ll. Th. i. 144, ii. Leóhtgesceot . . . æt ǽlcere hide, 366, 32: Chr. 1083; P. 215, 25 Sceóte man æt ǽghwilcre hide pænig, Wlfst. 181, 5. Geswicne sé hine be cxx hída. Ll. Th. i. 110, 17. Be sixtegum hida, 68, 19: 114, Ii : 130> 13: '38, 5. Be twelf hidum, 4: 146, 16. Of þrým hund hidum and of x hidum ǽnne scegð, and of viii hidum helm and byrnan, Chr. 1008; P. 138, 6. Sé þe hæfí xx hída, sé sceal tǽcnan xii hída gesettes landes, Ll. Th. i. 144, 5, 8. I b. where status is fixed by the number of hides :-- Gif hé ne geþeó búton tó healfre hide, þonne sí his wer Ixxx scill., Ll. Th. i. 188, Gif Wylisc mon hæbbe hide londes, his wer bið .cxx. scill.; gif hé hæbbe healfe .lxxx. scill., 122, 9. Wealh gif he hafað fíf hýda, hé bið syxhynde, 118, lo. Gif ceorl geþeáh ꝥ hé hæfde fullíce fíf hída ágenes landes, 190, 15: 188, 5. II. in Bede tmnslating familia :-- Mycel eáland. ꝥ is syx hund hída micel æfter Angelcynnes æhte insula non modica, id est magnitudinis juxta consuetudinem aestimationis Anglorum familiarum sexcentarum, Bd. I. 25 ; Sch. 52, i. Twelf hund ILLIGIBLE . . . þreó hund hída mille ducentarum familinrum . . . trecentarum familiarum, 4, 16; Sch. 425, 20, 23.

Palavras relacionadas: healf-híd. hid,higid
