
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - híwian

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

Add: to form, give shape to :-- Híwað confingat, Wrt. Voc. ii. 23, 56. Híwade finxit, i. figurabat, 148, 64. I. to shape an object. (1) material :-- Ðú heówodest mé tu formasti me, Ps. Rdr. 138, 5. Sé þe híwude (hiówede, Ps. Srt.) eáge, 93, 9. (2) non-material :-- Þú þe híwast (hiówas, Ps. Srt. fingis) sár on bebode, Ps. Rdr. 92, 20. I a. to give form to what is unreal, cause an illusion :-- Galdra híwung ... híwedan prestigiarum scena (quam callido phantasmate falsi nebulones) schematizarunt, An. Ox. 4061. I b. to shape in the mind (falsely), fabricate. I :-- Ídele and leáse spel hí hýwiaþ and mannum reccaþ quae non viderunt confingunt, R. Ben. 135, 24. Híwiende musitantes, i. fingentes (presbyteros contra Susannam mussitantes, Ald. 38, 17. Cf. fabricatores falsitatum potius quam presbyteri, 59, 23), An. Ox. 2804. II. to change the form of an object to that of another in order to deceive :-- Hé hine tó óþrum men híwað, and his gebyrda mid þám bedíglað, ꝥ hé heonan mæg ætberstan, Hml. S. 23, 692. Mænig cimeþ ... and leáslíce leógeð and egeslíce gylpeð, namað hine sylfne and híwaþ tó gode (calls himself god and pretends to be so), swylce hit Críst sý multi uenient in nomine meo dicentes: ego sum Cristus; et multos seducent, Wlfst. 89, 3. Sé þe litelícost cúðe leáslíce híwian unsóð tó sóðe (to make untruth appear truth), 128, 9. Híwian yfel tó góde, 81, 36. III. to make an object appear other than it really is. (1) with complement :-- Se man hýwað hine sylfne mihtine and unforhtne þe náh on his heortan ǽnigne cáfscype, Wlfst. 53, 14. ꝥ hé híwige hine sylfne mihtigne, Angl. xi. 109, 54. (2) híwian, swilce ... to make appear, as if ... :-- Se man híwað hine sylfne, swylce hé deóp inngehýd hæbbe, þe nát ná mycel gescád ǽniges gerádes, Wlfst. 53, 19. IV. to assume an appearance or character that does not belong to the subject, to feign :-- Bilewite cild ne híwað mid wordum, þæt hit óðer ðence and óðer sprece, Hml. Th. i. 512, 15. Ic eom eald tó híwigenne, Hml. S. 25, 94. Anatolius hátte sum híwigende munuc, and hé behýdde his yfelnysse, 31, 792. IV a. to make as if :-- Ne híwa ðú, mín bearn, swilce ðú mid bilewitnysse mæge gán orsorh tó mǽdena húsum, Hex. 48, 9. Þæt hé swicollíce híwige, swylce hé árfæstes módes sý, Wlfst. 53, 26. Ongeán þám andgyte se deófol forgifð stuntnysse, and eác ꝥ se man híwige swylce hé andgytful sý, Angl. xi. 109, 49: 51: 59. Ne sceal hé híwian, swilce hit him uncúð sý non dissimulet, R. Ben. 13, 16. IV b. with clause :-- ꝥ hí híwion ꝥ hí ingehýd habban, Angl. xi. 109, 56. V. to dissemble :-- Ne híwige synna neque dissimulet peccata, R. Ben. S. 15, 5. VI. to show figuratively :-- Gástlíce híwedon typice obumbrabant (septenos vitiorum cuneos), An. Ox. 11, 104. v. be-, geed-, ofer-, twi-híwian; un-híwed. hiwian

Palavras relacionadas: híwere;
