Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - hláf
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- hláf
- In l. 27 after 'bran' add Cht. Th., and add: I. bread made from meal or flour :-- Þú him of eorþan út álǽddest hláf (panem) tó helpe ... hláf trymeð heortan mannes, Ps. Th. 103, 14, 15. Sý ánes pundes gewihte hláf tó eallum dæge. Sý gehealden þæs pundmǽtan hláfes se þridda dǽl panis libera una propensa sufficiat in die ... de eadem libra tertia pars reservetur, R. Ben. 63, 14-16. Hú mæg þǽm geweorðan þe ... him hláf and stán on gesihðe geweorðað ... þæt hé þone stán nime, ... hláfes ne gíme, El. 611-616. Hé his líchoman him sealde on hláfe, Bl. H. 73, 5. Gé etað hláf be gewihte and gé ne beóð fulle. LeMermedonia) hláfes wist werum, An. 21) ... ac ǽton manna líchaman, Bl. H. 229, 8. ¶ bread as a food for penitents, &c. :-- Gif hwá ordáles weddige ... féde hé hine sylfne mid hláfe and mid wætere and sealte and wyrtum. Ll. Th. i. 210, 28. Fæsten tó berenan hláfe, Wlfst. 173, 10. I a. in phrases implying the eating of bread, (α) hláfbrecan to break bread for distribution to others :-- Brec ðǽm hyngriendum ðínne hláf frange esurienti panem tuam (Is. 58, 7), Past. 315, 14: Bl. H. 37, 20. Áféng se Hǽlend hláf and hine brǽc, Mk. 14, 22. Cf. Hú hig hine oncneówan on hláfes brice, Lk. 24, 35. (β) tó hláfe gan to go to eat bread. Cf. hláf-gang :-- Ðǽre wucan rǽdere gange tó hláfe (hláue, v.l.) and drince ǽr ðám þe hé beginne tó rǽdenne frater ebdomedarius accipiat mixtum priusquam incipiat legere, R. Ben. 63, 1. Ðá wicþénas ǽnre tíde ǽr gemǽnum gereorde gán tó hláfe (accipiant panem), 59, 14. I b. with qualifying words :-- Cruman berenes hláfes, Lch. ii. 134, 9. Hé þǽre ytemestan yldo his lífes mid medmiclum hláfe and cealde wætere (pane cibario et frigida aqua) áwreþede, Bd. 5, 12; Sch. 630, 19. Fæsten tó berenan hláfe, Wlfst. 173, 10. Eton hig þeorfne hláf, Angl. viii. 322, 14. His synna beóð ádýlegode þurh þone drihtenlican hláf (= ꝥ húsel, 5), Ll. Th. ii. 392, 6. II. a loaf, cake :-- Smal hláf artocobus (cf. artocopus a symynel, Wülck. Gl. 564, 43), Wrt. Voc. ii. 10, 47. Þú nymst ánne holne hláf and ánne gebígedne hláf of þǽm þeorfra hláfa windle tolles tortam panis unius crustulam, laganum de canistro azymorum, Ex. 29, 23. Cuoeð ꝥ stánas ðás hláfa ꝥ tó hláfum sié gewordeno dic ut lapides isti panes fiant, Mt. L. 4, 3. Gé ne geðencas fíf hláfana (hláfa, R.) non recordamini quinque panum, 16, 9. Æt .x. hídum tó fóstre .x. fata hunies, .ccc. hláfa, Ll. Th. i. 146, 16. Fíf hláfum onfangenum ... hé ... þá hláfas bræc, Mk. 6, 41: An. 590. Hé nam þæt flǽsc mid þám heorðbacenum hláfum (cf. focan subcinericios panes, 6), Gen. 18, 8. Æt ánre feorme þonne mon þá hláfas wrát tó þicgeanne cum panes per convivia frangerentur, Oto 5, 10; S. 234, 5. Méwǽran míne teáras for hláfas, Ps. Th. 41, 3. Ǽ;lc gebúr sylle .vi. hláfas ðám inswáne, Ll. Th. i. 434, 21. Hylstene hláfas tortam panis (v. Ex. 29, 23), Wrt. Voc. ii. 30, 21. Hláfas turtas, 94, 24. Hláfas of bere, Jn. R. 6, 9. II a. a bit of bread :-- Hláfes cruste, Wrt. Voc. ii. 21, 1. Hláue crusta, 94, 3. Þá þe wilniað fretan mín folc swá ánne hláf (sicut escam panis), Ps. Th. 13, 9. III. bread as representing food in general :-- On swáte þínes andwlitan þú brícst þínes hláfes in sudore vultus tui vesceris pane, Gen. 3, 19. Wurdon wíde menn wǽdlan hláfes, Ps. Th. 104, 14. Hé eóde on sumes Fariséa ealdres hús ꝥ hé hláf ǽte (tó brúcanne hláf, L. R. manducare panem), Lk. 14, 1: 15. Þonne hiǽ hláf etað (mete þicgeað, W.S.), Mt. R. L. 15, 2: Ps. Th. 101, 4: Gen. 935. Þú senst úsne hláf dæghwámlíce, Hy. 7, 68. Hingrendum hláf and hrægl nacedum, Cri. 1355. III a. where bread is taken to represent the food of a meal :-- 'Gerestað eów ... oð þæt ic eów lecge hláf ætforan, þæt gé eów gereordian' ... Abraham þa nam buteran and meoloc and þæt flǽsc mid þám hláfum and léde him ætforan, Gen. 18, 4-8. III b. in special phrases, e.g. bread of affliction :-- Ðú ús fédest teára hláfe, Ps. Th. 79, 5. Þá þe sáres hláf ǽton, 126, 3. III c. of spiritual sustenance, bread of life :-- Ic eom lífes hláf, Jn. 6, 35. Críst, se sóða hláf be him sylfum cwæð, 'Ic eom se líflica hláf,' Hml. Th. i. 34, 16. Ðú ús sillest þone hláf éces lýfes, Solil. H. 8, 13. Þé sóðfæst Meotud wist gife, heofonlícne hláf, An. 389. IV. material like bread, manna :-- Hé sealde him heofenes hláf panem coeli dedit eis, Ps. Th. 77, 25. V. a loaf-shaped mass, cake of material :-- Hláf wexenne (cf. weax-hláf) niman freó[n]dscipas níwe gefégð panem cerarium accipere, amicitias nouas iungit (Archiv, cxxv. 63), Lch. iii. 210, 2. v. ælmes-, brád-, hirsting-, hwíte-, oflæt-, oster-, þeorf-, weax-hláf. hlaf