
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - hlīp

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

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f. I. a leaping-place, a place to be jumped over (leap">leap)">N. E. D. deer-leap a lower place in a hedge or fence where deer may leap) :-- On hinde-hlȳp; of hinde-hlȳpe, C. D. iv. 19, 24. ¶ Hindehlīp occurs as a local name :-- Landes snmne dǣl, dæt synd .iii. hīda de fram cūdum mannum Hindehlēp is gehāten, C. D. iii. 5, 7. II. a precipitous fall in a river (cf. stæþ-hlīpe), leap as in salmon leap :-- Of dǣre ealdan hæcce into prēsta hlȳpe, intō dām bece . . . tō Freóbearnes hlýpe . . . Of ðám æssce tó dǣre ældan hlȳpe ; of dāre hlȳpe tō dāre ealden wudehæcche . . . of dām brōce tō dan æssce . . . of Werdhæcce tō eácrofte . . . intō Æderīces hlȳpe, of dāre hlȳpe intō wulfhlȳpe, C. D. iv. 157, 4-35. v. hlīpe. hlip